How Do You Know If Alcohol Is Affecting Your Health?

April 28, 2022

Alcohol intake harms health, but most addicted drinkers are unaware of this. According to a report on health in the US, not less than 95,000 deaths were recorded due to excessive alcohol intake. That happened between 2011 and 2015. That figure is alarming, making it necessary to provide insight to people regarding the negative effect of alcohol. Knowing some basic things can help you maintain good health. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen provides health ...

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How Stress Affects Your Health

April 28, 2022

The human race cannot escape getting stressed at some point in their lifetime. But what happens if it keeps occurring? Will the brain manage the situation appropriately? It all depends on the stress, particularly if it’s not a chronic one. If a positive force triggers stress, it usually leads to improved performance. But when unwanted situations strain you, especially getting stuck in traffic, it’s a negative force. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen wants ...

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Common Nutrition Mistakes

April 5, 2022

Nutrition is a vital part of everyday life, and what we eat affects energy, mood, and weight. It isn’t always easy to know what to eat, and it can be just as hard to find reliable information. There are a few common mistakes that people regularly make that hinder their efforts at healthy nutrition. The health of our community is our main priority at AFC North Bergen. Learn more about nutrition today and visit ...

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Can I Bring my Child to Urgent Care?

April 5, 2022

Children require constant attention and care. They encounter so many new experiences as they grow; it’s always a question of what the next day will bring. It is common for children to contact germs that lead to a cold or stomach bug. Children frequently fall and obtain various bumps, scrapes, and other injuries. There is no planned schedule for these mishaps, and it’s never known when one will require an unplanned visit to ...

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