3 Reasons to Get Your Flu Shot Now

October 31, 2019


Flu season is in full swing, and keeping your family protected is critical to a healthy fall and winter. While there are ways you can keep yourself healthy throughout the season, the most effective way to avoid developing symptoms of the flu is by getting an annual flu shot each fall. The flu is a highly contagious virus that can quickly make its way through your school or office. Learn why now is the best time to get vaccinated!

You’ll be protected for most of flu season

Your body will need some time to adjust to falling temperatures and changing weather patterns, which means it will be weakened for a short period as the seasons change. If you get your flu shot now, you’ll be immune to the virus for the majority of flu season, reducing the number of sick days you’ll be forced to take in the leadup to the holidays. Getting the shot early in flu season is critical because it takes up to two weeks for your body to adjust and the immunization to be fully effective. If you wait, you run the risk of catching the virus before the vaccination sets in, so you will develop symptoms.

Flu shot shortages may occur

Because the flu is constantly changing and mutating, a new vaccine is developed every year to match the current strain of the virus. A certain amount is manufactured each year, which means that shortages are possible at walk-in clinics, doctor’s offices and pharmacies. By getting your flu shot early in the season, you avoid the risk of facing shortages, when most facilities prioritize getting high-risk patients vaccinated. High-risk patients include pregnant women, children, the elderly and individuals with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems.

Minimal wait times

Once the flu begins to hit your community and information about the strength of the current strain begins circulating, people may begin rushing to your local hospitals, doctor’s offices, pharmacies and urgent cares for a flu shot. This can lead to long lines and even longer wait times, which can be inconvenient during your evenings or weekends. By getting your flu shot now, you’ll be able to avoid long lines. Our walk-in urgent care prides itself on short wait times, which you can experience when you get your flu shot!

Flu Shots & Flu Treatment in North Bergen, NJ

Don’t wait until the first cases are around to get your flu shot! Visit AFC Urgent Care North Bergen today to get your flu shot! For questions, please call 201-588-1300.


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