How Can I Reduce My Risk of Falling at Home?

September 14, 2023

Getting older is such a blessing, but it certainly does come with some challenges and changes. Falls become more dangerous as we become a bit more unsteady on our feet! Falling as a child or even younger adult maybe would result in a bruise or scrape, but you would fare OK. Falling when you are older can lead to serious injuries like broken bones or even head injuries.

Falling at home is one of the leading causes of injury among older adults. While completely preventing falls isn’t possible, there are things you can do every day to reduce your risk.

Our AFC Urgent Care Knoxville team explains more about falls and how to stay safe in your own home, so read on to learn more.

How Can I Improve My Balance?

A loss of balance is the most common reason for adults to slip and fall in their homes. One reliable way to improve your balance is to exercise! Regular exercise challenges your muscles and makes them stronger. Having stronger muscles doesn’t have to come from intense, weight-bearing exercises. Water aerobics classes, daily walks, tai chi and even chair yoga can strengthen your muscles.

You should also be smart about the shoes you choose to wear. Sandals and slides may look nice, but they can easily slip off your feet or get tangled on the edge of a rug. Wearing sensible and sturdy shoes can help you navigate your home more confidently.

Fall Prevention Tips for Your House

  • Have any broken or twisted exterior steps fixed right away.
  • Keep your lawn tidy and roll up your hoses after every use.
  • Turn your porch light on before leaving in the evening.
  • Don’t travel when it is icy, or walk slowly and cautiously if you must.

How Can I Organize My House to Avoid Falls?

Tripping hazards are also a big reason for falls in the home. Excess clutter and not cleaning up after yourself can easily cause a fall. Put away shoes, books and newspapers when you are done using them and clean up spills right away. Secure the edges of your rugs with mats or tape as well.

You should also keep your home bright! Lighting dark spaces can help you identify potential hazards like table edges or a chair that was moved out of its usual space. You should also ensure you have a bedside lamp easily accessible to light your way in the middle of the night.

Staying on Your Feet

  • Use handrails when walking down steps.
  • Install non-slip treads for your bathroom tub or shower.
  • Invest in a raised toilet seat or grab bars.
  • Move slowly and always be aware of your surroundings.

If a fall has left you injured, we are here for you. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Knoxville.

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