Can I Stop Smoking This Year?

August 15, 2023

Can I Stop Smoking This Year?

You sure can! We understand that smoking can be a really addictive habit, but you can do anything you set your mind to. Smoking negatively impacts your health in so many ways, so quitting will only allow you to lead a healthier life.

Taking the first step toward quitting requires determination and motivation. Swapping simple habits like reaching for a glass of water instead of a soda can be easier, while giving up a difficult addiction will take willpower.

However, we believe you can do it! Our AFC Urgent Care Knoxville team explains more about the negative effects of smoking to hopefully help you decide to quit this year.

How Bad is Smoking For Your Body?

Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemicals that your body simply doesn’t need. Many of these chemicals are actually toxic or cancer-causing! The longer you smoke, the greater the risk you run of developing certain diseases and cancers.

It also impacts your entire body and causes internal and external issues. Your lungs, heart and liver will have a harder time working properly, while your skin will wrinkle, sag and turn yellow, your teeth and hair can fall out, and you can even begin to lose your senses of hearing and taste.

Diseases Associated With Smoking

  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Lung cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Emphysema

Will Me Quitting Smoking Help My Kids Feel Better?

Did you know that secondhand smoke is just as toxic as smoking yourself? That’s because it also contains those toxic chemicals, but this time they have passed through the lungs first. Your kids and other loved ones who live in your home are being exposed to this smoke every day, even if you try to smoke outside. It will come into the house on your hair and your clothes and can increase your child’s risk of developing respiratory issues and asthma.

Quitting is the best thing you can do for your entire family. You will not only feel better, but your family will get to breathe cleaner air as well. Focusing on your family’s health and well-being can be a great motivator toward quitting. Whatever helps you get across the finish line is what you should focus on!

Helpful Tips for Breaking an Addictive Habit

  • Find your reason why.
  • Research different medication options.
  • Consider counseling.
  • Surround yourself with positive support.

We are always here for you. Stop by AFC Urgent Care Knoxville any day of the week.

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