Measles Updates: Why Measles Is Still An Emerging Public Health Crisis

April 25, 2019

As we explained in our previous blog, measles is now a bonafide public health crisis in the United States that requires patients to increasingly aware of measles risks.

The Centers for Disease Control estimate that nearly 555 cases of measles are now reported in the United States even though the disease was virtually eliminated in the year 2000. Since our last blog, the number of cases continues to grow by the week as more communities become infected with the disease.

So what should you know about measles as a public health crisis? How can you protect your family from measles and why is Measles still a problem for many communities in the U.S?

The latest news headlines and public health updates suggest that measles can be a serious disease if not managed as soon as possible. Anti-vaccination campaigns are now one of the top health risks on the planet, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

N.Y Health Department suggests that parents should vaccinate their children earlier

early vaccination to help prevent measles

Measles is becoming such a significant health crisis that areas with outbreaks suggest parents get their children vaccines as early as possible.

Specifically, the New York Health Department advised parents to vaccinate their children as early as six months, according to reports from NBC News and the CDC. In New York, measles cases have approached 76 statewide as several communities did not update vaccines for their children.

Medical professionals located in New York City explains that early vaccinations may help take some of the strain off of pediatricians and other medical facilities. The trend also suggests that some parents that aren’t entirely anti-vaccine may be hesitant to vaccinate their child early.

Measles can lead to other critical health conditions among heavily populated areas

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has stated it investigated five new cases of measles, which could mean that the vaccine may spread throughout another major metropolitan area.

News reports from CBS News cited the Department of Public Health saying that more measles cases are expected in Los Angeles because of the viral nature of the disease. Major heavily-populated areas with lots of foot traffic may have an increased risk for measles. These include Los Angeles International Airport and multiple universities in the area.

The spread of the disease in the area puts many unvaccinated children at risk for contracting measles and other health problems.

For example, measles can lead to a variety of other health problems including pneumonia, brain convulsions, deafness, and intellectual disabilities. The disease weakens parts of a child’s brain and immune system health that creates significant health issues in the child.

As many as 1 in 20 children with measles gets pneumonia, which shows how dangerous the spread of measles can be in highly-populated communities.

What are the current circumstances of measles in the U.S? What can you do to protect your children?

child receives a measles vaccine

Measles have impacted communities within multiple states varying from a few reported cases to a certified outbreak.

The states that have reported at least one case includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Texas, Tennessee, and Washington.

Currently, six parts of the country have experienced measles outbreaks in recent months. These include communities that have three or more reported cases. New York City, New York state (Rockland County), Washington (state), New Jersey, California, and Michigan are flagged for measles outbreaks at this time.

Measles is clearly a public health risks that puts millions of children at risk, especially if they are not yet vaccinated. So what can you do to help protect your children?

Get an updated vaccination ASAP: The best way to help prevent your child from getting measles is to get them a vaccine ASAP. The measles vaccine is easily the most effective way to safely protect your child against the disease.

Contrary to misinformation spread by anti-vaxxers, vaccines are a safe way to properly protect your children against the disease.

Autism Speaks, the nation’s leading autism advocacy organization, explains that autism is caused by multiple genetic factors and environmental factors such as early and frequent pregnancies. In addition, the organization clearly mentions that vaccines are in no way linked to autism.

If you believe your child needs an updated measles vaccination, make sure you review the child’s vaccination history with your primary care provider. And as always, make sure you visit your local AFC Urgent Care centers across the Greater Denver Area!

We provide updated measles vaccinations for your children with little wait and at a low cost. Check out our following locations to visit an urgent care center close to you:

RESERVE MY SPOT at denver Speer 

RESERVE MY SPOT at Denver highlands

RESERVE MY SPOT at denver east

RESERVE MY SPOT at cherry creek

Additionally, making sure your child is safe and protected from a measles outbreak involves being up-to-date on local news nad health department updates!

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