Weight Loss Tips to Help Achieve Better Overall Health

June 20, 2019


Most of us are guilty of trying some pretty unhealthy weight loss methods. From crash diets to detox plans, getting pulled into the world of weight loss is easy. Most of these popular fads focus more on the actual weight loss and less on your overall health. Follow these simple tips to begin losing weight in a safe, healthy way that will improve your overall well-being at the same time!

Lower Your Sugars and Carbs

It’s no secret that sugars and carbs are unhealthy, but do you know how much they’re affecting you? By lowering your sugar and carb intake you’re naturally going to lower your level of hunger. Of course, eating less leads to weight loss. Since you aren’t eating carbs your body will begin to use the stored fat it has as energy. Don’t be surprised if you lose up to 10 pounds in the first week of this dietary change too as your body begins to shed water weight! Cutting carbs and sugars won’t leave you feeling hungry either, so it’s sustainable for the long-term.

Eat the Right Things

Now that you know what not to eat, it’s time to learn what you should be eating. Protein, fat, and vegetables are all important parts of weight loss. Loading up on these areas will also naturally lower the amount of carbs and sugars you consume. Increased protein intake is directly related to an improved metabolism which means more calories burned per day. Vegetables are a low-carb way to fill yourself up at every meal, while fat sources like olive oil and butter will work to curb unhealthy cravings.

Weight Training

A healthy diet should be paired with a good exercise plan to see the best overall health benefits. Rather than focusing on cardio to burn the most calories, aim to lift weights 2-3 times each week. Weight lifting helps to build muscle. Muscle naturally burns more calories than fat does, so it will help maintain your weight loss in the long-term. It’s possible to gain muscle and lose fat all at the same time! Feel free to combine your weight lifting with some light cardio, but you don’t need to walk yourself to death on the treadmill.

Weight loss should be something that you want for your overall health more than anything else. If your health is the priority, you’re much more likely to maintain these lifestyle changes for months and years to come!


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