Should I Get Tested If I Have STD Symptoms?

July 1, 2023

Should I Get Tested If I Have STD Symptoms?

Contracting an STD is common across the country, especially on college campuses. While STDs should be treated like any other illness that you come down with, many people hesitate to be seen out of the sensitive nature or uncomfortable feelings they may experience during the process.

You should never ignore any symptoms of a possible STD! Your sexual health is part of your overall health and should be treated as such.

Our AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway team explains the importance of STD testing and what tests we offer below, so read on to learn how we can help you.

Do All STDs Cause Symptoms?

Unfortunately, STDs can be tricky and be present without causing any sort of symptoms. You could be spreading a particular STD without knowing it, and it could lead to a campus-wide outbreak quickly. This is why we encourage you to test often if you are sexually active, and especially before changing partners.

If you are experiencing symptoms, that should prompt you to come see us right away! Any burning, itching or abnormal discharge should be investigated, as well as any pain during or after intercourse. Swing by our AFC center for an STD test.

Some STDs We Can Test for at AFC Chapman Highway

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis

How Do STD Tests Work?

When you come in to see us, we will do a full health history and ask you some questions to get a full understanding of your situation. While it may seem uncomfortable to chat with us about your sexual history, we promise that it is not for us! We do this on a daily basis, and our goal is to care for you with kindness and respect.

Depending on your symptoms, we will either do a physical swab, a blood test or a urine test. We can give you results in as little as 30 minutes for some STDs! If a test comes back positive, we will discuss specific treatments to help you feel better right away.

Tips to Prevent Future STDs

  • Test frequently/before a new relationship.
  • Communicate needs with your partner.
  • Always wear a condom.
  • Get vaccinated for hepatitis A, hepatitis B and HPV.

Don’t ignore symptoms of an STD! Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway.

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