Maintaining Your Brain

June 2, 2023

We will be talking about the importance of maintaining proper brain health in our day to day life and and Alzheimer's as well as Alzheimer's awareness

Did you know that June is Brain and Alzheimer’s Awareness Month? Brain Awareness Month is a good time to highlight the significance of brain health and raise awareness about conditions like Alzheimer’s. Though many people think that they may be too young to worry about Alzheimer’s, it’s never too early to start taking care of your brain! 

A healthy brain is important for a person’s overall wellness. Engaging in activities that stimulate the brain like reading, puzzles, and learning new skills, can all help in keeping the mind sharp, decreasing the likelihood of the onset of diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Other factors like regular physical exercise, a healthy and balanced diet, as well as getting a proper night’s sleep also play a vital role in maintaining brain health. Exercise helps with your stress levels, blood pressure, and mental health too!  Exercise helps us feel good and look good and there is no better time that June in Portland to get on an exercise kick!

Also, let’s encourage conversations about mental health during Brain Awareness Month. It is essential to spread knowledge about brain health and advocate for more research funding. By helping others understand the risk factors, promoting early detection, and implementing lifestyle changes early on, we can empower individuals to take control of their brain health.

Our brain is a huge part of our overall wellness, but there are a multitude of other factors that go into maintaining one’s health. Annual Wellness exams at local AFC Urgent Care clinics include a mental health screening. Preventive medicine, screenings, and annual physicals are critical tools for managing overall health.

If you want to talk with someone about Alzheimer’s, call the Alzheimer’s Association Helpline at 800-272-3900. They have a local Oregon chapter. For your annual wellness exam, visit our website and book your annual check up here!

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