What Are Some Signs of Alzheimer’s?

June 15, 2023

What Are Some Signs of Alzheimer’s?

Getting older is a blessing in many ways, but it can be scary to think about the possibilities of developing certain conditions like Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. Since these conditions typically appear later in life, it can be common to worry about whether your recent memory slip is the start of something more.

Alzheimer’s affects about 6 million people currently, so it is important to know what signs to look for and how to support your brain to reduce your risk of memory issues later in life.

Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Fountain City team explains more about dementia below.

What Does Dementia Do?

Dementia comes in many forms and can affect people differently, but each case interrupts intellectual functioning and critical thinking. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia. This disease slowly destroys the cells and connections in the brain that are responsible for memory.

It might start out as something simple like forgetting names or where you put your keys and can progress all the way to forgetting how to do important tasks like drive a car or take care of your personal hygiene. It can also change your personality and cause anger issues or frequent outbursts.

Beginning Stages of Alzheimer’s

  • Misplacing items frequently
  • Deepening confusion of events and people
  • Mood and behavior changes
  • Difficulty speaking, walking or swallowing

What Are the Treatment Options for Alzheimer’s?

Unfortunately, there is no cure currently for Alzheimer’s. Symptoms can be managed or slowed with the right combination of medications, but the condition will progress as you get older. Alzheimer’s is often genetic and that can’t be controlled, but you can take steps in your everyday life to help support your brain in other ways.

Regular exercise, social contact with friends and family and brain-engaging activities are all easy ways to stay sharp and build neural connections. Play word games, do crossword puzzles or prioritize your hobbies to help induce creativity and problem solving skills throughout your life.

Supporting Your Brain in Other Ways

  • Exercise consistently throughout life.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Prioritize time with peers and family.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Manage your stress effectively.

Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia can progress quickly. Come to AFC Urgent Care Fountain City if you are having trouble with your memory.

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