Understanding the Causes of Sore Throats - When to Seek Medical Attention

April 15, 2023

A sore throat may seem harmless, but it is a basic cause of many other infections and diseases, such as sinus, flu, and viral infections. Many think of a sore throat as normal or harmless, leading to great discomfort and bodily stress afterward.

Understanding the real causes and symptoms of a sore throat can greatly help get immediate medical care. The following details are crucial to understanding the causes of a sore throat and knowing when to seek medical attention.

Sore Throat - Causes and Symptoms

Pain in the throat and experiencing scratchiness or irritation in the throat are all common symptoms indicating a sore throat that will mostly get worse when you eat, drink, or swallow. A viral or bacterial infection, like the flu or a cold, lifestyle changes, environmental changes, or a change in the weather or season, most commonly winter and spring, are the most common causes of pharyngitis, which causes a painful or sore throat.

A sore throat because of a virus goes away on its own. In some cases, Antibiotics are needed to treat strep throat, also known as streptococcal infection, a less frequent bacterial cause of sore throat, to avoid complications. Treatment for other, less frequent causes of sore throats might be more critical and detailed. Depending on the cause and source, sore throat symptoms can greatly vary. Some warning signs and symptoms include:

  • A scratchy or painful sensation in the throat
  • Pain that gets worse when speaking or swallowing
  • Having trouble swallowing
  • Aching or enlarged glands in your neck
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Your tonsils may have pus
  • A husky voice

When To Seek Medical Attention

A sore throat will typically get better with at-home care. But if you have a fever over 101 degrees that lasts more than a couple of days, have a severely painful throat, experience trouble falling asleep due to your throat being obstructed by swollen tonsils or adenoids, or develop a red rash, it's time to visit a doctor.

Any of the aforementioned symptoms could indicate a bacterial infection if you experience them. If so, your physician might prescribe an antibiotic to treat your infection. The surgical intervention of the tonsils, or a tonsillectomy, may be advised by your doctor if:

  • Tonsil abscesses do not react to drainage.
  • Antibiotics have little effect on a lingering bad taste or odor in the mouth.
  • A tonsil biopsy is required to confirm a suspected tonsil tumor.

Whatever the symptoms and causes, one should immediately visit an urgent care center if they feel and experience a sudden ache or stiffness in their throat. As a sore throat can lead to various other issues, it must be treated immediately.


Common illnesses like sore throat don't get much attention from people. However, it needs immediate intervention through medical care or urgent care centers. The symptoms mentioned above and their causes should not be neglected at any cost to avoid any unforeseen medical complexities.

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