General Thanksgiving Health Tips for Families

November 23, 2020

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to spend with friends and family, catching up towards the end of another eventful year. As much fun as thanksgiving is, it can also be a danger to your health. It’s easy to throw health out the window around the holidays as you get busy and your attention shifts to other things. Luckily, refocusing the attention on your health is easier than you’d think and something the whole family can take part in! Check out these simple tips that could make a major difference in your health this thanksgiving.

Keep Moving

Calories in versus calories out is ultimately what weight loss (or weight gain) comes down to. Don’t use the holiday time as an excuse to slack off on your steps per day or other workout regimens. In fact, you should increase the amount of physical activity you do in the days and weeks leading up to thanksgiving. The day of your celebration continue to keep moving and burning those calories before and after your meal!

Focus on Portion Control

Thanksgiving is a time to indulge in delicious food, but that doesn’t mean you need to overeat. Stick to smaller portion sizes and refrain from grabbing seconds. This will help to control your calorie intake and ensure you’ve got plenty of room for dessert!

Take Your Time Eating

Did you know that if you eat too quickly, you’re more likely to overeat? This is because you aren’t giving your body time to begin digesting and signal to your brain that you’re full. This often is what causes that ‘too full’ feeling that leaves you lethargic after a big meal. Pace yourself by putting your fork down between bites, chewing your food thoroughly, and drinking water with your meal.

Use Low-Calorie Alternatives

Many of the traditional thanksgiving dishes have more excess fat and sugar than they need to. Swap out a few ingredients in your old family recipes with low calorie alternatives such as sugar substitutes and nutritious oils in place of butter or fat. Everyone can enjoy a healthier meal, and they likely won’t even notice a difference unless you tell them!

Checkout this site for more inspiration for a health thanksgiving. Encourage your friends and family members to make these healthy changes along with you! If an injury or illness occurs during your festivities, visit a nearby urgent care center for quick and effective care.

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