Flu vs. COVID-19: How To Differentiate Symptoms

December 19, 2023

It is common to face illness during winter, especially during the peak cold and flu season. However, in more recent times, a new condition has emerged on the scene—Coronavirus, widely known as COVID-19. While both the flu and COVID-19 are contagious respiratory illnesses, they can manifest distinct symptoms that warrant different treatment plans. Let's unravel the differences in symptoms to help you distinguish between these two winter woes.

For same-day illness treatment, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Aberdeen. Our certified medical providers can diagnose your symptoms and plan treatment accordingly. Just walk-in today!

The Flu

The flu is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that invade the nose, throat, and occasionally the lungs.  According to the CDC, the primary mode of transmission is through droplets released when infected individuals cough, sneeze, or talk. These droplets find their way into the mouths or noses of nearby individuals, serving as the main catalyst for the flu's spread.


COVID-19 is caused by infection with a coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) first discovered in 2019. This infectious illness can lead to more severe ailments in certain people when compared to the flu (like respiratory infections). Those who contract COVID-19 might experience delayed symptom onset and remain contagious for extended durations, unlike those with the flu.

How To Differentiate Symptoms

There are many similar symptoms but we will focus on the symptoms that differentiate COVID-19 with flu symptoms. The following are the differences;

Symptom Duration:

The symptoms are common in both, but the main difference is the duration. Flu symptoms typically surface within 1 to 4 days after exposure to the influenza virus. In contrast, COVID-19 symptoms may appear within a broader range of two to five days or even extend up to 14 days after infection.


This might seem similar but the cough of COVID-19 tends to be a bit more dry as compared to the cough when a sick individual has a flu.

Respiratory System:

This is a major differentiator. This can cause shortness of breath caused by COVID-19. COVID-19 pneumonia is a respiratory infection triggered by SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19. It leads to the accumulation of fluid and inflammation in the lungs. The primary indication of COVID-19 advancing to COVID-19 pneumonia is an increasing challenge in breathing.

Loss of Taste:

A COVID-19 symptom that leads to its patient not sensing the taste of anything. If you're dealing with a taste issue, then it's most likely you have a COVID-19 infection.

Get a Walk-In Diagnosis at AFC Urgent Care Aberdeen

There are many different symptoms between COVID-19 and flu. If you are facing any of the above symptoms, come visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Aberdeen. Our urgent care center provides diagnoses and treatments for many general illnesses. We provide specialized care and on-site lab testing services for all patients in the area and surrounding communities. Patients experiencing symptoms can quickly seek prompt and comprehensive medical attention at our walk-in clinic. We’re open seven days a week– just stop by the center at your convenience.

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