I have a sore throat: Is it COVID-19 or Strep Throat?

January 31, 2022

I have a sore throat: Is it COVID-19 or Strep Throat? AFC Urgent Care Danbury physician testing for strep throat

Have you ever had that scratchy, itchy feeling? The one that starts in the back of your throat and suddenly turns into a painful burning sensation?  Some people say it’s like trying to swallow broken glass. Now that’s a pretty vivid description of a sore throat and if you have ever had one that bad then you’re not likely to forget it. 

With a resurgence of COVID-19 cases,  you’re probably wondering if your sore, painful and scratchy throat is from COVID. But, it’s not the only virus/infection going around this winter. Colds, flu and even strep throat have made a resurgence as well.  

AFC Urgent Care Danbury knows that the differences between COVID-19 and strep can be confusing, so we’ve created a helpful guide to differentiate between the two.

Seriously…It’s Not Just COVID-19 To Blame Here!

“I have a sore throat. It must mean I have COVID-19.” We hear it all the time. But, COVID-19 is not the only virus to blame this winter. Strep throat is just as contagious and annoying as COVID-19. It is not as deadly, however. With strep,  it can take up to 5 days for infections to surface after exposure,  and it can cause a serious infection of the throat and tonsils. 

Some of you might also think your symptoms seem like the flu or a cold. We know these are all winter illnesses and it can be really confusing differentiating what you have.

If you’re unsure of the differences between Colds, flu and COVID-19, you can read our post here.

Strep Throat Is Not A Viral Infection

That’s one of the major distinctions between strep throat and COVID-19. 

Strep throat is actually caused by a bacterial infection. There are rarely respiratory symptoms with strep throat. If you have strep throat you’ll experience these symptoms:

  • Sore throat that can start very quickly
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Fever
  • Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white patches or streaks of pus
  • Tiny, red spots (petechiae) on the roof of the mouth (the soft or hard palate)
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the front of the neck

If you’ve been diligent about getting your yearly flu shot, COVID-19 vaccines, and have been testing negative for COVID-19, then chances are your sore throat may be from strep throat.

The good news is that strep throat is treatable with antibiotics.

The Best Way to Know What You Have Is To Get Tested For Strep Throat at any of our 3 AFC Urgent Care Danbury Centers

AFC Urgent Care Danbury offers rapid molecular tests, rapid Antigent tests and PCR tests for COVID-19 7 days a week to help people know their results.  

If there are concerns for strep throat we also offer rapid strep tests and throat swab culture tests to determine if there is bacteria growth for strep. Get evaluated and tested so that you can start treatment right away. **Also: We highly suggest finishing your antibiotics to ensure that strep doesn’t come back (even if you feel fine, finish your dose).

AFC Danbury is always here for you and your urgent care needs.

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