Top 4 Essentials to Understand During Kidney Awareness Month

February 27, 2024

Dive into the world of kidney health—uncover their crucial functions, origins of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), and tips for maintaining kidney health in AFC Urgent Care Danbury’s comprehensive guide. From filtering waste to regulating blood pressure, your kidneys play a vital role. Explore CKD's diverse origins and proactive strategies for kidney care. Prioritize hydration, maintain a balanced diet, and stay active. Recognize early signs of kidney disease like fatigue and changes in ...

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COVID-19 or Strep Throat? My Throat Hurts!

February 1, 2024

Have you ever experienced that irritating, scratchy sensation that initiates at the back of your throat and swiftly transforms into an uncomfortable burning feeling? The question arises: Could it be COVID-19, or is it possibly strep throat? While dealing with COVID-19 is certainly no walk in the park, strep throat, though not pandemic-level or life-threatening, can be a painful and potentially contagious ailment. Recognizing the potential confusion between COVID-19 and strep throat, AFC Urgent Care ...

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