Why you should get STD Testing

October 31, 2019


Sexually transmitted diseases are prevalent. According to the World Health Organization, more than 1 million STDs are acquired every day worldwide. Although some STDs are curable, some are not, and others can be fatal. Also, the most common symptom is no symptom, so being routinely tested for STDs is essential for everyone. 

Types of STD Testing

There are a few significant types of STD testing by blood, urine, and saliva. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are generally tested by a swab of the genitals or a urine sample. Genital herpes and syphilis and HIV are all done by blood testing. HIV is also one of the only tests done as a mouth swab saliva sample, but a much more accurate long term test is done through blood testing. Finally, HPV is generally done as a visual test looking for warts but can also be diagnosed during a pap smear cervical cancer screening.

STD symptoms

The most common symptoms of STDs are no symptoms. This is why it is so important to get regularly tested. Some common symptoms of STDs include:

● Bumps, rashes, redness, or warts near the anus, penis, vagina, or mouth.

● Pain while urinating

● Pain during sex

● Aches, pains, fever, and chills similar to the feelings of a flu

● Discharge from the penis or smelling discharge from the vagina.

● Blood coming from the genitals other than during a period

Even if you have no symptoms, you might be infected, and early diagnosis can prevent long term damage. 

STDs in non-sexually active individuals

Although you may never have participated in any type of sexual intercourse between a penis and vagina or anus, there is still a chance you might have an STD. The common cold sore is actually an STD strain derived from herpes. This can even be passed from a parent to a child through a simple kiss. STDs can also be spread between the skin on skin contact and any type of exchange of bodily fluids. Sharing needles by drug use, tattoo machines, or piercings can also spread STDs. If you never get tested, you never know what you might be carrying.

Since the most common symptom of an STD is no symptom, it is good practice for everyone to be routinely tested for STDs. Whether sexually active or not, being safe and responsible is key in preventing the spread of STDs. For more information, please contact us…


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