How to Tell If Your Child Has Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

February 1, 2019


Common in children under the age of five, hand, foot and mouth disease is a virus transmissible by physical contact. Symptoms can last up to 10 days and may not require medical intervention. Several viruses can present with similar symptoms. If your child is exhibiting signs of hand, foot and mouth disease, you should visit a doctor.

Symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease appears as a rash ranging from small red dots to sores and blisters. The rash starts at feet, spreading up the torso and along the patient’s arms. Sores can also form around the patient’s mouth and tongue. Additional symptoms may include decreased appetite, sore throat and dehydration due to difficulty swallowing from sores. The virus is spread through physical contact with both the person and through objects. If your child has contracted hand, foot and mouth disease and you need to change their diaper, you will be at risk at contracting the virus. It can also be spread through sneezing and coughing. In order to avoid the disease from spreading, make sure common areas in your home or office are consistently disinfected and wiped down to kill germs including faucets, railings and tabletops. Hand, foot and mouth disease is at is most contagious during the first week, though symptoms may continue for several more days.

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease Prevention

In order to prevent an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease, follow proper hygiene protocol in public and at your home. As soon as your child is able, make sure they know how to wash their hands with warm water and soap for 30 seconds. Since time can be difficult for a child to understand, have them sing the ABC song while they wash their hands for the correct amount of time. You should make sure you are washing your hands several times throughout the day to prevent germ buildup and illness, especially after preparing food, taking public transportation or using the restroom. If someone in your  family is infected with hand, foot and mouth disease, avoid physical contact or sharing utensils and other objects until you can visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

If you or your child develops hand, foot and mouth disease, visit AFC Urgent Care Braintree to receive diagnosis and treatment for your symptoms.


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