Back To School Health Guide

September 18, 2019


School is back in session and for parents, it may be the most wonderful time of the year yet again! Back to school season comes with a lot of excitement for kids as well, with the new clothes, backpacks, supplies it can all be overwhelming at some points. However, among all the excitement back to school also means its prime time for germs, bugs and an enormous amount of bacteria to spread like wildfire amongst kids in school. When kids have a new schedule from their summer schedule as well as the introduction of the new physical task (sports, band ext.) they leave themselves vulnerable to all the germs that school halls carry. AFC Urgent Care Braintree would like to give you some tips to follow this school year, to keep your children healthy and safe from germs! 

Tips for Younger Kids 

Before the school year, start makes sure to teach younger children how to properly wash their hands. If your children already know how to wash their hands make sure to explain to them why it is important. Mommy & Daddy’s telling a child to wash their hands will only go so far. If they understand that they are trying to get germs off of their hands then they will start to understand the importance. 

Water bottles 

In primary school, there was a study was done in Colorado that found out one of the most contaminated places of germs in school was the water fountain. To solve this issue think about getting your kids a refillable water bottle! One that you can wash every day when they get home & one that you can teach them to not share with others! This can also allow your child to drink more water during the day, & hydration is key when it comes to battling germs! 

Tips for Highschoolers 

Make sure that your high schoolers are getting the correct amount of sleep! Kids in their teenage years can be hard to deal with sometimes but convincing them to go to sleep on time. For a growing child/teenager sleep is one of the most important things that they can give themselves. School hours are stressful and start very early, not giving your children enough time to sleep. On top of sleep make sure your kids have a balanced diet. We do not recommend making them have a super strict diet, kids should still be treated like kids.  


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