Why You Should Get Vaccinated For The Flu

October 12, 2017

Influenza (the flu) is a serious disease that can leave you feeling miserable for days or weeks at a time.
Often confused with the common cold, the flu can lead to hospitalization; and can even be fatal if not diagnosed and treated properly.
One of the best ways to avoid getting the flu is to get vaccinated every year.  Every flu season is different from the next, making it imperative to get your annual flu shot.
Still wondering if you should get your flu shot?  Here are a few reasons why you should get vaccinated for this coming flu season.
Last year’s flu shot won’t protect you this year.
New strands of influenza occur every year, so while you may have gotten your flu shot last year, it won’t necessarily protect you this flu season.  Getting your annual flu shot is the best way to reduce your risk of getting sick with the seasonal flu, and spreading it to others.
Even healthy people can get the flu.
Even those who have a healthy immune system, get proper rest, eat a well-balanced diet, and have a regular exercise regime are susceptible to getting the flu.  When more people get are vaccinated, the less the flu can spread throughout the community.
It can lessen your cold symptoms.
You can increase your odds of staying healthy the entire season by getting vaccinated early.  After getting your flu shot, your body’s immune system creates antibodies that not only fight off the flu, but also protects you  from getting sick with other viruses.

Now that you know a few reasons why you should get a flu shot, you’re probably wondering where you can get one. At AFC Urgent Care South Plainfield, we administer seasonal flu shots to protect you and your loved ones from getting sick.
Getting your annual flu shot protects you against symptoms such as:

  • Coughs
  • Congestion
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Muscle aches

Stop waiting and visit our urgent care center for your flu shot!
For more information about our seasonal flu shots, be sure to visit our walk-in urgent care center today!  If you would like to speak with one of our medical professionals, you can reach us at 908-222-3500.

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