
March 24, 2014

Bronchitis is the inflammation of passages in the lungs known as the bronchi. It can either be viral or bacterial in nature. It is classified as either acute or chronic. Acute bronchitis usually lasts one week; however, chronic bronchitis is a long-term ailment that may require significant medical attention. Those who smoke or are exposed to industrial pollutants are more likely to develop chronic bronchitis. Symptoms of bronchitis include coughing, tightness in the chest, breathlessness ...

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Spring Allergies

March 12, 2014

As flowers start to blossom, allergy suffers begin their annual ritual of allergy symptoms. Over 35 million Americans suffer from seasonal springtime allergies. Springtime allergies are typically caused by pollen. When pollen particles enter the system of an allergic person, the immune system treats the pollen as it would bacteria, viruses, or other foreign organisms. This triggers an immune response that can cause symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. When pollen counts ...

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March 10, 2014

Pneumonia is an infection that affects the lungs. Symptoms of pneumonia include a cough, fever and difficulty breathing. These symptoms can range from mild to severe. Severe pneumonia is most common amongst the elderly and those in poor health. Diagnosis can be completed with an examination, chest x-ray or blood test. Pneumonia is a treatable illness. Antibiotics may be used for bacterial pneumonia. They may even be prescribed in the event of a viral infection ...

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