Poision Ivy & Oak

June 10, 2014

What is Poison Ivy and Poison Oak?
Poison Ivy and oak are plants that cause a very uncomfortable skin rash that is unbearably itchy and red. The allergic reaction is known as contact dermatitis and is the most common skin problem produced by plants.
What causes the rash to occur?                                                                                                              
The rash is caused by sticky oil known as urushiol and is found on virtually every poison ivy and oak. The rash can only be spread through the oil and cannot be spread by touching the blisters from someone else infected. You can get the rash from:

  • Touching any part of the plant including the leaves, flowers, stems, berries, roots, and even a dead plant.
  • Touching any item that has come in contact with the plant including clothing, sports gear, pets, or gardening tools.

Common Symptoms of Poison Ivy

  • Itching.
  • Redness after initial contact with the plant.
  • Small red bumps
  • Blisters that can possibly leak fluid.

If you believe you have Poison Ivy and are in need of serious medical attention visit our urgent care location, we have the treatment plan necessary to help calm the symptoms and heal the rash. Our walk-in center requires no appointment and is open Monday – Friday 8am -8pm and Saturday & Sunday 8am – 5pm.

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