How To Incorporate More Exercise Into Your Daily Routine This Winter

February 8, 2023

With each winter season, you may find it increasingly difficult to stay active in the cold weather. As we get older, our calendars inevitably get busier and the time for movement may seem obsolete– especially when the days get darker and colder. However, it is crucial that we prioritize our wellness through our physical health, and find time in the day to get some simple exercise. This blog will explore some ways you can incorporate more exercise into your daily routine in a fun way this winter.

For health and wellness guidance, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Short Hills. Our board-certified team of medical professionals can help support your physical health, seven days a week. Simply walk into the clinic or book an appointment online to get started today.

Winter Exercise Ideas

February marks an ideal time to start working toward your physical health goals. With spring on the horizon, it’s a great idea to start getting in the habit of working out. Remember, it’s beneficial to start slow and get your body warmed up to physical activity, so you don’t put any strain on your body and risk potential injury. Below are a few fun ways to incorporate physical movement into your daily routine:

  • Go for a walk or simple jog around your community. Consider listening to music or a podcast to keep yourself entertained, or bring a friend with you to keep yourself motivated.
  • Join an indoor tennis or pickleball class 
  • Watch dynamic stretching routines on YouTube
  • Skiing / Snowboarding / Ice-Skating
  • Pilates or Yoga
  • Join a dance class

The best thing you can do is just start! Pick an option that works for you and experiment with what you like. It’s always beneficial to have a workout partner, so you can hold each other accountable toward reaching your health goals. 

Staying Safe & Preventing Injury 

As mentioned, it’s important to stay safe to avoid injury while working out. This is especially crucial during the winter, when weather conditions can increase the likelihood of getting hurt during outdoor activities. To start, make sure to dress appropriately if you are exercising outside. Wearing layers can help regulate your body temperature. Furthermore, make sure to properly stretch and warm-up your muscles before your workout. In the winter, there’s a greater chance for joint stiffness. That means you can easily injure yourself during physical movement if you don’t stretch beforehand. Try a dynamic warm-up,  where you use controlled movements to get your muscles stretched and lose before cardio. 

What To Do If You Get Injured

When working out in the winter, snow and ice can cause an increased risk for incurring injuries. Although we may try to prevent them, injuries can happen at any time. If you have sustained any acute injury during your winter workout, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Short Hills for same-day care. 

Some of the common minor and moderate injuries we treat include:

  • Broken bones / fractures
  • Lacerations needing stitches
  • Dislocated joints
  • Sprains and strains
  • Burns no larger 3 inches
  • Bumps and bruises

Visit AFC Urgent Care Short Hills for Care

If you need same-day urgent care services, visit AFC Short Hills on a walk-in basis. Our team can help you stay on top of your health goals and support your wellbeing throughout the year. We understand that you can’t always plan medical care. That’s why we strive to make our services accessible for everyone – seven days a week. We accept most major insurances and offer low costs for our self-pay patients.

If you have any additional questions about our health and wellness services, please contact our office directly at (973) 671-5350.

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