5 Ways To Alleviate Seasonal Allergies This Spring

June 9, 2022

5 Ways To Alleviate Seasonal Allergies This Spring

Spring is a time for nature to start blooming again, but with it comes pollen, the culprit that causes seasonal allergies. Not everyone suffers from allergies. But if you do, the bothersome symptoms, like congestion, runny nose, and itchy eyes, cause you to desperately seek solutions to alleviate some of those symptoms. Take control of your allergies this spring season in different ways to ease the effect pollen has on your body.

Check Pollen Counts

When spring comes around, check in with local TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, and the internet for a pollen count. These news sources will keep track of the pollen levels so that you can stay on top of your allergies. If the pollen count is high, do not wait to start taking your medication; start taking it immediately before symptoms begin.

Reduce Outdoor Exposure

It may be hard to accomplish, but try to refrain from going outside on dry, windy days when the pollen levels are high. If you do want to go outside, do so after it rains because it will clear up some pollen in the air. Avoid gardening and landscaping chores, and wear a face mask to help minimize your exposure if you must do them.

Adjust Your Home Life

You may do your best to avoid the outdoors when pollen is ramping up, but there are things you can change inside your home that will help alleviate some seasonal allergy symptoms. If you use heat or air conditioning, use highly efficient filters that keep the indoor air quality within the home up to par. Clean your floors often with a vacuum and keep the air inside dry with a dehumidifier.

Rinse out Your Sinuses

An inexpensive and quick solution to relieve allergy symptoms is flushing your sinuses with a saline solution. You can purchase ready-made solutions from the store or create your own with 1 quart of water, 1.5 teaspoons of salt, and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Rinsing out your nasal cavity rids your system of mucus and other allergens.

Allergy Medications

Many over-the-counter medicines work great in relieving symptoms. Not all medications work the same, and your doctor may recommend an oral antihistamine, corticosteroid nasal spray, cromolyn sodium nasal spray, and oral decongestants. If all else fails, you may want to seek help at our Raleigh walk-in clinic, where you can speak with a doctor on other solutions to alleviate your symptoms if none of the above worked.

No other health concern is more annoying than seasonal allergies, and finding relief from the symptoms can be tricky, mainly when the pollen sticks around for a long time. Try to tackle the problem as quickly as possible, and if you know you chronically get allergies every season, start taking your medications right away.

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