What is Prostatitis?

January 3, 2020


Prostatitis is a common condition involving inflammation or swelling of the prostate gland, located beneath the bladder in men. Nearly half of all men exhibit symptoms of prostatitis or similar conditions at some point in their lifetime, which can happen gradually or suddenly. Prostatitis commonly affects men under the age of 50.

Causes & Types of Prostatitis

There are four types of prostatitis:

  • Acute Bacterial Prostatitis happens suddenly, with painful symptoms including fever, chills, a strong burning sensation while urinating as well as difficulty passing urine.
  • Chronic Prostatitis, also referred to as Chronic Pelvis Pain Syndrome, is a non-infectious nerve irritation that results in swelling. Common symptoms include pain in the bladder and difficult urination.
  • Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis is less common, require urine and fluid cultures to verify. This is a bacterial infection and can take time for symptoms to appear and resolve, often over the course of several weeks or months. Symptoms may include frequent or burning urination.
  • Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis is not an infection, nor does it have symptoms. It is inflammation that can be detected while your being examined for other issues or performing a self-examination.

Depending on the strain of prostatitis you are experiencing, there can be several causes. Nonbacterial strains can be linked to stress, injuries or previously undetected urinary tract infections, while bacterial strains are causes by infected urine traveling backwards up the urethra, spreading the bacteria to the prostate.

How is Prostatitis Diagnosed?

If you believe you are experiencing a problem with your prostate, you should see your doctor immediate for an initial examination. If initial treatment methods are ineffective, your physician may recommend you visit a urologist for more specialized treatment. A culture and ultrasound of the area may be performed.

Treating Prostatitis

The course of treatment for prostatitis may vary based on the type you have and whether or not it was caused by a bacterial infection. At-home remedies your doctor may recommend include:

  • Avoiding spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine
  • Using a soft cushion if you are going to be sitting for longer periods of time
  • Soaking in sitz baths in up to three inches of water
  • Prescribed antibiotics for between one and twelve weeks. This is dependent on the type of prostatitis you have and whether or not it is bacterial.

Lab Testing for Prostatitis in Warrington, PA

If you are experiencing pain in the prostate, visit AFC Urgent Care Warrington to have it checked and treated for prostatitis. Cultures and bloodwork can be processed in our on-site lab, allowing us to provide you with more efficient results than with an off-site facility. AFC Urgent Care Warrington can be reached by calling 215-874-3209 with any questions


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