National Immunization Awareness Month: What Your Child Needs Before Going Back To School!

August 14, 2023

Check off immunizations at your child’s back to school physical at AFC Urgent care Saugus so that they can go to school with confidence

As we commemorate "National Immunization Awareness Month" in August, it's the perfect time to prioritize your child's annual physical to ensure they are well-prepared for the upcoming school year. This is not just a routine check-up—it plays a crucial role in raising awareness about immunizations and safeguarding your child's health. AFC Urgent Care Saugus is committed to providing comprehensive care during back to school physicals, aligning with the mission of this important observance.

Building Your Child's Medical History With Immunizations At Their Back to School Physical

Did you know that a back to school physical serves as a foundation for your child's medical history? By scheduling an annual physical, especially before the school year commences, you actively contribute to building their medical records. This comprehensive evaluation not only aids in early detection of health issues but also ensures you stay well-informed about your child's past illnesses, injuries, and immunization records.

Having a well-documented medical history saves time and facilitates better care as your child grows older. It enables medical professionals to provide prompt treatment and manage conditions such as asthma more effectively.

Vaccinations: Crucial for a Healthy School Year

Immunizations play a vital role in back to school physicals. They are essential for safeguarding your child's health, protecting them, and the wider community from preventable diseases. By staying up to date with vaccinations, you actively contribute to immunization awareness and create a healthy school environment.

Schools typically require specific vaccinations for enrollment. Commonly required vaccinations include:

  • Meningitis
  • Hepatitis B
  • Influenza
  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis

More vaccine preventable diseases required by schools can be found for each state when getting vaccinated. 

Send Your College Kid Off Immunized 

Immunizations are equally important for college students, especially those entering their freshman year. Each college may have distinct requirements, so it's vital to familiarize yourself with the immunization guidelines of your child's chosen institution. 

Protecting your child's health through vaccinations perfectly aligns with the goals of "National Immunization Awareness Month." 

Here is a list of the most frequent vaccinations required by most colleges and universities:

Visit AFC Urgent Care Saugus for Back to School Immunizations!

AFC Urgent Care Saugus remains dedicated to providing the highest quality care during back to school physicals and immunizations. We prioritize the health and well-being of your child. Visit us today to ensure your child is ready for a healthy and successful school year with a back to school physical and immunization update

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