How Long Do Swollen Tonsils Last?

April 21, 2023

Swollen tonsils are a common symptom of several ailments, often caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Tonsillitis and strep throat are two primary causes of swollen tonsils, paired with symptoms like difficulty swallowing and fever. If you’re experiencing swollen tonsils, you may be wondering: how long will this last? In this blog, we’ll explore the answer to that question, as well as some tips for relieving symptoms and preventing them from recurring.

For same-day acute illness treatment, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Lakewood. Our team of medical providers specialize in treating a wide range of conditions. Simply walk into the clinic or plan your visit in advance by reserving a spot online.

Causes and Duration of Swollen Tonsils

The duration of swollen tonsils can vary, depending on the cause and severity of infection. In most cases, mild cases of tonsillitis caused by a virus may last for a week or two. This could develop after dealing with the common cold or flu. More severe cases caused by bacterial infections could last for several weeks. Common bacterial conditions that cause swollen tonsils include strep throat, mononucleosis, and allergies. It’s important to note that some people may experience recurrent or chronic tonsillitis, which can last for an extended period of time.

Symptoms you may experience include:

  • Redness
  • Coughing
  • Sore throat
  • White spots in throat
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headache

Treatment for Tonsillitis

If you have swollen tonsils, it’s important to see a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to treat a bacterial infection. However, if the tonsillitis is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not be effective and the infection needs to run its course. In addition to prescribed medication and over-the-counter pain relievers, supportive care can help alleviate the symptoms. Be sure to get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids to aid your recovery. Additionally, you can gargle with warm salt water to help reduce swelling and inflammation. Throat lozenges and humidifiers can also help soothe a sore throat and reduce coughing and irritation.

How to Prevent Tonsillitis From Recurring

If you’ve tried the remedies listed above, and your swollen tonsils persist, it’s important to seek professional guidance. In severe, chronic cases, it might be recommended to remove your tonsils. However, this is only recommended when tonsillitis is severe and negatively impacting a person’s quality of life. To prevent tonsillitis from recurring, be sure to practice good hygiene by washing your hands frequently and avoiding close contact with people who are sick. Eat a healthy diet, prioritize good sleep, and stay hydrated to strengthen your immune system and reduce your risk of infections.

While mild cases of tonsillitis can last for a week or two, more severe cases could linger for several weeks. If you’re experiencing swollen tonsils, it’s important to seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Lakewood for immediate and preventative urgent care services. Open seven days a week, the clinic is a great resource for those looking for quick and convenient care. If you have any additional questions about swollen tonsils, please contact our team directly at (303) 988-3600.

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