Does Quitting Smoking Take Time?

August 16, 2023

Deciding to quit an addictive habit is a huge step in the right direction! We know that tobacco addictions can be really hard to give up, but doing so will only benefit you in every aspect of your life.

A lifetime of smoking has no health benefits to you and actually increases your risk of developing a variety of serious diseases. It even impacts your family through continued exposure to secondhand smoke.

Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team believes you can quit! Read on to learn a little more about tobacco addiction and some helpful ways to give it up for good.

Is Nicotine Addictive?

Yes! It is one of the many thousands of chemicals in tobacco smoke, and it is highly addictive. Each inhale you take sends nicotine to your lungs, brain and heart and exposes your vital organs to this toxic chemical. When it reaches your brain, it signals your brain to release dopamine. This is the hormone responsible for your feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

There’s no wonder why smoking can be addictive! Over time, your body becomes accustomed to the constant supply of dopamine and will want it more and more. These cravings can be really intense when they hit. If you are trying to quit, try to keep in mind that the most intense cravings usually occur in the first five to 10 minutes and will slowly fade to become more manageable after that.

The Leading Diseases Associated With Smoking

  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Lung cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Emphysema

How Can I Quit Smoking Today?

The first step is always the hardest, so choosing to quit is a decision you have to be confident about. One of the most reliable ways of doing this is to choose your “why.” Many people quit for their own health or for their families. Discover what your driving focus is and use that to motivate yourself.

For some, quitting is a process that involves many ups and downs over the course of their journey, and that’s OK! Accept the failures and accomplishments as they come. Another helpful tip is to avoid the situations where it is common to light up. Bars, parties and even your front porch step can all be triggers, so focus your attention elsewhere for the time being.

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

  • Stronger, less damaged lungs
  • Reduced risk for cancer and other diseases
  • Improved physical appearance and senses
  • Eliminated secondhand smoke at home for your family

We are always here for you. Stop by AFC Urgent Care Farragut any day of the week.

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