Can I Get Sick From Stress?

February 14, 2023

Stress affects many people. From studying for a test, to budgeting a paycheck, to the day-to-day commotion, stress can manifest itself in various ways. While stress may be common, it can have an undeniable impact on your physical and mental health. Though there are some gaps in the research, there is evidence to suggest that stress can make you sick. This blog will explore some of the ways you can manage stress and the most common symptoms that can be felt from moderate levels of stress.

For health and wellness guidance, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Hillsdale. Our team of medical professionals specialize in treating illnesses in patients of all ages. Simply walk into the clinic to better understand what’s causing your symptoms!

Can Stress Make You Sick?

As mentioned, the direct correlation between stress and illness is clouded. However, stress does have a profound impact on our health and wellness. It’s believed that stress can have an impact on the immune system, and can cause feelings of discomfort and nausea. The effects of stress on the body can range from mild symptoms – like headaches, fatigue, and body aches – to more severe conditions, including anxiety and heart disease. 

Similar to how panic attacks can release hormones that can physically affect your adrenaline levels, feelings of stress can release hormones like cortisol or adrenaline. While these hormones can have an immediate reaction of sweat and nausea, they can also suppress the immune system and make us more susceptible to infections. 

Tips to Manage Stress

It’s important to manage stress levels in order to maintain overall wellness. There are a few helpful methods you can follow to manage your stress– including exercise, meditation, and healthy eating habits. By prioritizing your mindfulness and getting support from your family, friends, or mental health professional when you need it, you can help reduce levels of stress and live a healthier lifestyle. 

A great way for individuals to manage stress is to set goals. For most people, stress can rise when there are many different tasks to be completed. A long list of to-dos can inevitably add feelings of stress to your life. Consider prioritizing tasks and making lists to manage your tasks and reduce stress. Setting goals can help you feel in control and allow you to stay on top of your responsibilities. 

Get a Professional Opinion 

While you may believe that your symptoms are caused by stress, it’s always a good idea to get a professional opinion. By visiting an urgent care center, you can get helpful health and wellness guidance and illness testing. A medical provider can examine your symptoms and overall condition, while also discussing your medical history, in order to determine the cause of your illness. 

For same-day wellness guidance and illness treatment, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Hillsdale. The clinic is open seven days a week and walk-ins are always welcomed. Get peace of mind from what’s causing your symptoms, and visit at your convenience. If you have any additional questions about managing stress, or the services we provide at the clinic, please call us directly at (201) 523-9222.

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