Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder

February 21, 2019

" Depression comes in many forms and affects each person suffering differently. For that reason, diagnosing and treating depression can be difficult. One of the most commonly overlooked forms of depression is a seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD. As the name suggests, SAD is a type of depression that occurs around certain seasons. Many SAD sufferers notice their symptoms in the fall, getting worse as winter takes over. What is SAD? Other than just ...

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Treating the Opioid Epidemic

February 21, 2019

" You likely either know someone with an opioid addiction or someone who has been affected by one. The number of substance abuse cases across the United States is steadily increasing, and many healthcare providers are struggling to get a grasp on how to treat and manage those affected. Before you can begin to treat the opioid epidemic, you have to understand what exactly it is. What are Opioids? Opioids come in two forms: legal and ...

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