Is Mono Contagious?

April 5, 2022

Mono or infectious mononucleosis is an illness known as “the kissing disease.” It is relatively common among teenagers and college students.

Mono can feel like an extreme or long-lasting version of the flu or a cold though it is not the same type of infection. Many people are unfamiliar with mono, don’t know how to identify it, and aren’t aware of how they can become infected. It is important to understand the basics of mono so managing it doesn’t take the infected by surprise.

AFC Urgent Care Boulder tests for mono, strep throat, and general sore throats in our on-site lab. Get tested today to receive treatment for your symptoms and get instant relief at our walk-in clinic.

Symptoms of Mono

The most common cause of mono is infection by EBV or Epstein-Barr Virus, but other viruses can also lead to mono. Mono is an unusual infection as the symptoms don't appear until four to six weeks after the initial contact with the virus.

Symptoms may also be spread out over time rather than existing all at once. The most unusual symptoms include enlarged spleen and liver, though this may not occur for everyone infected.

The more common symptoms of mono are fatigue, rash, swollen lymph nodes, body aches, headaches, fatigue, sore throat, and fever. The symptoms will usually dissipate within four weeks, though some may last longer.

Is it Contagious?

Mono is a contagious virus. It is most commonly spread through the transmission of salvia, and this includes kissing or sharing drinks or even coughing and spreading saliva droplets into the air that are then breathed in by another person. Mono can also spread through other bodily fluids such as semen or blood during transplants, sex, or transfusions.

Treating Mono

While there is no cure or medicine for mono, it can be avoided. Do not share drinks or bodily fluids with anyone who may be sick or infected with mono. Be sure not to use items that may have bodily fluids from previous use. Covering the mouth and nose with the inside of the elbow can help prevent the spread of droplets into the air.

Once infected with mono, taking antibiotics is not recommended. The best way to treat the symptoms of mono is to take over-the-counter pain and fever medicine if needed, get rest, and stay well hydrated. This combination will help the body manage the infection until it can recover while preventing conditions from worsening.


A doctor will usually diagnose a mono-infection based on the specific symptoms. A formal test is usually not required but may be suggested depending on the patient. Speak to your doctor if you are not feeling well or think you may have come in contact with mono to ensure proper treatment.

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