How to Prepare This Month for a Safe, COVID-Free Thanksgiving

November 22, 2020

Thanksgiving celebrations are something that families and friends look forward to each year. A time to gather, share traditions, and indulge in some delicious food! Unfortunately, thanksgiving celebrations will have to look a little different this year in order to stay covid free. This is a great resource to read detailed information on each aspect of your thanksgiving celebration, but let’s do a quick overview of the most important parts!

Get Your Flu Shot

Getting a flu shot is a quick and easy way to reduce hour risk of contracting or spreading an illness this thanksgiving. While a flu shot doesn’t protect against covid-19, it is highly effective at preventing the flu. Discuss the importance of the flu shot with your friends and family members who intend to celebrate thanksgiving together. By getting the flu vaccine, you can help eliminate the confusion over symptoms that could be linked to either covid or the flu, since they’re so similar.

Focus on COVID Prevention 2 Weeks Before the Event

Everyone should be diligently using covid-19 prevention measures already, but 2 weeks before the thanksgiving event it’s important to take those measures even more seriously. Avoid extra trips out of the home, frequently wash your hands, wear a mask, and steer clear of large groups of people. If everyone who plans to attend thanksgiving begins closely following covid precautions 2 weeks before the event, it will help to lower the risk of anyone bringing the virus with them!

Consider the location and size of your celebration

It’s not uncommon for people to travel to be with their loved ones during the holiday season, but in 2020 traveling should be kept to a minimum. It’s best to celebrate with people who live with you or are already in your isolated group of friends and family in your area. Traveling to a new area raises your risk of coming into contact with the virus or bringing it with you and exposing that new area. Keeping your celebration close to home will also make it easier to limit the number of attendees and keep things covid-safe!

Assess individual health risks

Speak with your family and friends to discuss each person’s personal risks in relation to covid-19. For those that are considered high-risk due to their age or medical conditions, a virtual celebration is great option! Only those who are considered low-risk and have a high likelihood of being able to successfully fight off the virus should attend thanksgiving celebrations in person.

To learn more about your individual health risk and to get your flu shot, contact a local urgent care center today! Encourage those around you to do the same in order to make your celebration as safe as possible.

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