Learn More About Your Kidney and National Kidney Awareness Month With AFC Urgent Care West Springfield

February 27, 2024

March brings with it National Kidney Awareness Month, an opportune time to delve into the intricacies of kidney health. Throughout this month, our focus shifts to unraveling the mysteries of these vital organs, from understanding potential risks and symptoms of kidney-related ailments to acknowledging the tireless work they do in safeguarding our well-being. Recognizing the paramount importance of kidney health, AFC Urgent Care West Springfield presents an informative guide to shed light on the significance ...

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Distinguishing Between Strep Throat and a COVID-19-Induced Sore Throat

February 1, 2024

Winter has brought with it a surge of illnesses, and at AFC Urgent Care West Springfield, we've noticed an increase in individuals exhibiting symptoms resembling strep throat. It's important to recognize that not every sore throat is linked to COVID-19 or the flu. Strep throat, a distinct winter ailment, can cause throat discomfort and more. As we navigate this season, it becomes crucial to distinguish between these illnesses, prompting the need for a ...

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