April Is STD And STI Awareness Month: Get Yourself Tested!

April 1, 2024

Having unprotected sex poses one of the quickest routes to contracting an STD or STI. As April brings awareness about the dangers of these conditions, it's vital to educate yourself on the various diseases and infections, ways to reduce risks, and the importance of regular testing to know your status. At AFC Urgent Care West Springfield, we advocate for year-round testing and continuous education to help you avoid STDs and STIs altogether. We have ...

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Learn More About Your Kidney and National Kidney Awareness Month With AFC Urgent Care West Springfield

February 27, 2024

March brings with it National Kidney Awareness Month, an opportune time to delve into the intricacies of kidney health. Throughout this month, our focus shifts to unraveling the mysteries of these vital organs, from understanding potential risks and symptoms of kidney-related ailments to acknowledging the tireless work they do in safeguarding our well-being. Recognizing the paramount importance of kidney health, AFC Urgent Care West Springfield presents an informative guide to shed light on the significance ...

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Distinguishing Between Strep Throat and a COVID-19-Induced Sore Throat

February 1, 2024

Winter has brought with it a surge of illnesses, and at AFC Urgent Care West Springfield, we've noticed an increase in individuals exhibiting symptoms resembling strep throat. It's important to recognize that not every sore throat is linked to COVID-19 or the flu. Strep throat, a distinct winter ailment, can cause throat discomfort and more. As we navigate this season, it becomes crucial to distinguish between these illnesses, prompting the need for a ...

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Is Norovirus (Stomach Flu) related to the flu?

January 2, 2024

You’re experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, and are unsure of the cause. Could it be your favorite restaurant that got you sick? The restaurant itself couldn't have made you sick, but perhaps you contracted the stomach flu, also known as Norovirus, from there. AFC Urgent Care West Springfield has put together a guide to help you understand what Norovirus is, recognize its symptoms, and learn how to prevent it!  Is It Norovirus? According to the ...

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Is My Christmas tree making me sick? Yes, It Might Be Christmas Tree Syndrome!

December 1, 2023

If you constantly find yourself catching a cold during the winter holidays, you may be allergic to Christmas trees. More precisely, your allergy might be related to something associated with Christmas trees rather than the tree itself. Many individuals believe that plant-based allergies are exclusive to warm weather. However, there are several reasons why your holiday tree can be the cause of your flu-like symptoms., AFC Urgent Care West Springfield has created a guide to ...

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Understanding Diabetes: American Diabetes Awareness Month

November 6, 2023

When November arrives, signaling the end of fall and the onset of colder weather, we also know that the holiday season with its delectable food and sweets is just around the corner. November holds another significance as it is American Diabetes Month. This is the time to delve deeper into the understanding of Diabetes, a chronic health condition that is one of the most prevalent diseases in the United States. AFC Urgent Care West Springfield ...

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Understanding The Risks Of RSV And The Flu: A Comprehensive Guide

October 1, 2023

As we dive into the colder months, it's crucial to understand the potential health risks that come along with it. It's not just the common cold and flu we need to be aware of but also the lesser-known yet equally perilous Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). While often mistaken for the flu due to their similar symptoms, RSV and the flu are distinct in several ways. With that being said, AFC Urgent Care West ...

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National Immunization Awareness Month: Build Your Child’s Immune System One Year At A Time!

August 14, 2023

As we celebrate "National Immunization Awareness Month" in August, it's the perfect time to prioritize your child's annual physical to ensure they are well-prepared for the upcoming school year. This isn't just any routine physical—it plays a crucial role in promoting immunization awareness and safeguarding your child's health. AFC Urgent Care West Springfield is committed to providing comprehensive care during back to school physicals, aligning with the mission of this ...

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A Deep Dive Into Swimmer’s Ear: The Symptoms, Treatments And Prevention Tips

July 5, 2023

Swimmer's ear, medically known as otitis externa, is an infection of the outer ear canal, predominantly caused by water that remains in the ear after swimming. This persistent moisture provides an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply, leading to discomfort, redness, itching, and even a feeling of fullness in the ear. If left unchecked, swimmer's ear can develop into more serious infections, which is why it is essential to understand, prevent, and address ...

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Urgent Care for Broken Bones & Fractures: What Urgent Care Treats

June 12, 2023

If you have a broken bone or a fracture, urgent care may be able to help. Learn the different types of fractures (broken bones), what we treat, and when to go to the ER vs. urgent care. How Do You Know a Bone is Broken? Every year, millions of people break a bone. Broken bones typically result from a trauma like a fall, car accident, or sports injury. Medical conditions such as osteoporosis or repetitive ...

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