Distinguishing Between Strep Throat and a COVID-19-Induced Sore Throat

February 1, 2024

A man with a mask going to AFC Urgent Care West Springfield to find out the difference between strep throat and a sore throat caused by COVID-19

Winter has brought with it a surge of illnesses, and at AFC Urgent Care West Springfield, we've noticed an increase in individuals exhibiting symptoms resembling strep throat. It's important to recognize that not every sore throat is linked to COVID-19 or the flu. Strep throat, a distinct winter ailment, can cause throat discomfort and more. As we navigate this season, it becomes crucial to distinguish between these illnesses, prompting the need for a rapid strep test as the initial step towards effective treatment. To help you navigate this confusion, we've put together a guide to understand strep throat symptoms and differentiate them from COVID-19.

Why Strep Throat Matters:

Strep throat is an illness that should not be overlooked. Highly contagious and caused by a bacterial infection, it demands medication for resolution. At AFC Urgent Care West Springfield, we comprehend the confusion surrounding sore throats this winter and are here to assist you in distinguishing between strep throat and COVID-19.

Distinguishing Between Strep Throat and COVID-19:

While there may be some similarities in symptoms, COVID-19 and strep throat have distinct factors. Strep throat, stemming from group A Streptococcus bacteria, is highly contagious, spreading through respiratory droplets or direct contact. Symptoms include a rapid onset of sore throat, pain when swallowing, fever, red and swollen tonsils (possibly with white patches or pus streaks), and swollen lymph nodes in the front of the neck. Rarely, group A strep bacteria can spread through improperly handled food, leading to strep throat within two to five days of exposure.

On the other hand, COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is exceptionally contagious, primarily manifesting respiratory symptoms similar to a cold, flu, or pneumonia. If you experience a sore throat along with COVID-19 symptoms, you may also have coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, congestion, and loss of smell and/or taste. Importantly, COVID-19 can affect various parts of the body beyond the respiratory system.

A Reminder on Symptoms and Variants:

Symptoms may vary due to new virus variants. While fully vaccinated individuals typically experience mild symptoms, those unvaccinated, elderly, or with pre-existing conditions may face severe illness.

AFC Urgent Care West Springfield - Your Partner in Care:

If you suspect strep throat to be the cause of your sore throat, we can perform a rapid strep test to provide immediate results. A positive result will lead to a prescription for antibiotics to initiate treatment. It's crucial to complete the entire antibiotic course to prevent potential strep bacteria resurgence.

Our doors are open seven days a week for patients of all ages on a walk-in basis, offering flu vaccinations, diagnostic rapid tests for COVID-19, physicals, on-site X-rays, care for minor bone breaks and burns, stitches for cuts and lacerations, and more. 

AFC Urgent CareWest Springfield is here for you every day of the week, offering the convenience of both scheduled appointments and walk-ins. We accept most insurance plans, making our comprehensive healthcare services easily accessible. Streamline your billing experience with our user-friendly online payment system – settling your bill is just a few clicks away. Trust us to provide prompt, reliable, and accessible health care tailored to your convenience.

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