Exploring Kidney Health, Tips and Disease Prevention; March is Kidney Disease Awareness Month

February 15, 2024

March Illuminates National Kidney Awareness Month

March isn't just another month – it's National Kidney Awareness Month! This month is here for a reason. Kidney disease is a real threat to our health, especially as we age. Throughout March, let's focus on learning about our kidneys, from spotting possible risks and symptoms to appreciating how hard they work to keep us healthy.

At AFC Urgent Care Southpoint, we've put together an easy guide to explain why kidneys matter and what happens if we don't take care of them.

Understanding Your Kidneys' Job

Your kidneys are like superheroes, doing many important jobs to keep you healthy:

  • Cleaning your blood: Every 30 minutes, your kidneys filter all the blood in your body, taking out waste and extra fluids to keep your blood clean.
  • Getting rid of waste: Your kidneys work hard to remove waste, toxins, and extra fluids from your body, keeping it clean and working well.
  • Regulating blood Pressure: They help control your blood pressure, which keeps your heart and blood vessels healthy.
  • Create red blood cells: Your kidneys help make red blood cells, which carry oxygen around your body.
  • Keeping Bones Strong: Your kidneys even help keep your bones strong and healthy!

Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) happens when your kidneys get damaged and can't clean your blood properly. This can lead to a buildup of waste and fluid in your body, which can cause problems like heart disease and stroke. People with high blood pressure, a family history of CKD, diabetes, or who are over 60 have a higher chance of getting CKD.

Spotting Signs of Chronic Kidney Disease

Symptoms of CKD might include:

  • Swelling in different parts of your body
  • Blood or foamy urine
  • Feeling extra thirsty
  • Feeling tired or having less energy

But some people with CKD don't have any symptoms. That's why it's important to get regular check-ups and specific tests to know for sure.

Tips for Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy

Here are some things you can do to take care of your kidneys:

  • Keep your blood pressure under control.
  • If you have diabetes, make sure to manage your blood sugar levels.
  • Stay active with regular exercise.
  • Keep a healthy weight to ease the pressure on your kidneys.
  • Get regular check-ups, especially if you're at risk for CKD.
  • Talk to a dietitian if you need help making a kidney-friendly meal plan.
  • Take your prescribed medications as directed, and ask your doctor about medications that can help protect your kidneys.
  • Quit smoking – it's bad for your kidneys and can make other treatments less effective.

Getting Checked at AFC Urgent Care Southpoint

If you have symptoms of CKD or need testing, come see us! We offer blood and urine tests to check how well your kidneys are working. You can visit us any day of the week – no need for an appointment; or if you prefer, you can book online. We are open 7 days a week, from 8am-8pm Monday- Friday and 8am-5pm Saturdays and Sundays.


At AFC Urgent Care Southpoint, we're here to help you take care of your kidneys and your health. Let's keep those kidneys in top shape!

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