Preventing Lyme Disease: How To Properly Remove a Deer Tick

May 3, 2023

Deer tick on someone’s hand. AFC Urgent Care West Hartford explains why finding a deer tick in time could save your from getting Lyme disease


Lyme disease is a serious illness that affects thousands of people every year, especially in the Northeast region of the United States. The disease is transmitted through the bite of an infected deer tick and can have severe consequences if left untreated. However, with early detection, Lyme disease is preventable. In this blog post, we will discuss how to avoid deer tick bites, where they like to hide, and how to properly remove them to prevent contracting Lyme disease.

AFC Urgent Care West Hartford has created this guide to not only help you understand what lyme disease is, but to all help prevent any deer tick bites and lyme disease symptoms. 

Where Do Deer Ticks Like to Hide?

Deer ticks are small, hard-to-spot insects that are found in grassy plains and wooded areas. They are most commonly found in the Northeast region of the United States, particularly in Connecticut, due to the warm, wet conditions that provide the ideal environment for them to thrive. When entering or leaving a woodsy area, people are most likely to encounter these ticks at the "edge" between the woods and grassy areas. They tend to hide in warm, moist areas of the body, such as underarms, between legs, behind knees, in and around hair, and behind ears.

How to Avoid Deer Tick Bites

If you plan on spending time outdoors in areas where deer ticks are common, it's crucial to take precautions to avoid getting bitten. Wearing long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks can help prevent ticks from latching onto your skin. It's also important to perform a thorough tick check after spending time outdoors to ensure that no ticks have latched onto your body. If you do find a tick, it's important to remove it as soon as possible to avoid contracting Lyme disease.

Avoiding deer tick bites and early detection through proper removal are crucial in preventing Lyme disease. By taking the necessary precautions, performing thorough tick checks, and seeking medical attention if necessary, you can enjoy the outdoors without the fear of Lyme disease.

How to Properly Remove a Deer Tick

Proper removal of a deer tick is essential to prevent the transmission of Lyme disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends using fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Pull the tick backward gently but firmly, using an even pressure. Do not twist or jerk the tick, as this can cause the mouthpart to break off and remain in the skin. It's important not to squeeze, crush, or puncture the body of the tick, as this can cause the tick to inject body fluids and increase the risk of infection. After removing the tick, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.

Can AFC Urgent Care West Hartford Help with Deer Tick Removal?

If you're uncomfortable removing a tick on your own or are unsure about the proper technique, AFC Urgent Care West Hartford can help. With no appointment necessary, you can walk in for deer tick bites and removal. It's recommended to come in within 24 hours of the tick bite to ensure that the tick is removed properly and to avoid the risk of contracting Lyme disease. 

Our trained medical professionals have the proper tools and techniques to remove the tick safely and efficiently. AFC Urgent Care West Hartford is open 7 days a week and as stated above, no appointments are needed, but appointments are also welcomed. Just as it is easy to make an online appointment, you can easily check out with our online payment portal. 

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