What Allergies Should I Watch Out for This Spring?

March 31, 2019


Spring is officially here, which means you may begin to experience a flareup in symptoms from your seasonal allergies both indoors and out. Depending on the weather and your location, you may be more at risk for exposure to specific allergens than others. If you experience allergic reactions during the spring, it is critical to be prepared in order to maintain your health in case of an allergy attack.


One of the most common causes of allergy symptoms in the spring and summer months is pollen, which is produced by flowers and trees. Pollen is virtually unavoidable, but there are ways you can prepare your body and reduce the allergen’s effects. Start your day off by checking the local pollen count on one of the online resources available, including the National Allergy Bureau and the Weather Channel. This will allow you to pack necessary protection, including over-the-counter and prescription decongestants, large sunglasses and a painters’ mask to prevent pollen from entering your eyes, nose, and mouth. Implementing a routine of removing your jacket and shoes immediately after entering your home can also reduce the spread of pollen through your home, where it can attach itself to your carpeting, upholstery, and curtains.


Mold can be found outside and even in your home, leading to a longer allergen season and more probability of reactions. Outdoor mold includes mildew on wet grass either after a storm or early in the morning, mold growing on trees or the yeast found in mushrooms and other fungi found in yards and fields. The mold present in your house may be more difficult to locate but is most often found in darker, cold rooms with heightened levels of moisture including basements, garages, near windows and in bathrooms. If you are experiencing an allergic reaction due to mold, you may notice yourself sneezing more often, chest congestion and eye irritation.

Pet & Animal Dander

Pet dander is a common allergy to the dead skin cells on an animal, which can be found on upholstery, clothing, carpeting, and anything that has come into contact with your pet. If you are allergic to your pet, you will be able to notice relief from symptoms after time away from your home. Symptoms to pet dander allergies include congestion, asthma, eye irritation and wheezing when an animal is present. Your doctor may prescribe allergy medication in order to reduce and treat your symptoms.

If you are beginning to exhibit signs of seasonal allergies, visit AFC Urgent Care Marlborough for treatment and diagnosis of potential triggers.


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