Getting the Right Treatment for a Rash

February 28, 2019


Rashes are common, and the symptoms and degree are affected by several environmental factors including climate, cleaning products used on your skin and items you come into contact with, the season and stress. While most rashes can be considered superficial, others can be signs of a bigger medical issue or illness. If you develop additional symptoms, you should visit your local urgent care center for assessment by a board-certified doctor.

What is a Rash?

A rash is skin irritation, which can be localized to one part of your body or spread throughout. Most rashes involve the skin swelling as well as developing itchy, red bumps. As the rash worsens, the bumps can become more like hives or fluid-filled blisters. Factors that can cause a rash to develop include cold or hot weather, chemical reactions, drugs, viruses, and allergies. Chronic rashes lasting for a period of weeks can be a symptom of major health conditions.

Rash Symptoms

Depending on the root cause of the rash, you may present with different symptoms. Most skin rashes present with red bumps that are hotter than the surrounding skin, which will appear to be cracking through its progression. While the area will be itchy, scratching can lead to the bumps leaking and feeling more tender to the touch. If the rash is a symptom of something bigger, you may develop a fever, pain, and dizziness. If your rash is the result of an allergic reaction, you may experience tightness in your throat that will require attention from a doctor.

Seeking Medical Treatment for a Rash

Visiting a board-certified physician will be able to provide you with a more precise diagnosis and a more comprehensive treatment plan to tackle each of your symptoms. After asking for certain information about your symptoms, such as when the rash developed and exposure to potential causes, your doctor will be able to determine the medications necessary to treat the main cause of the rash. Treatment may include oral antihistamines or medicated creams containing steroids to relieve pain, burning, and itching. If the rash persists, your doctor may recommend visiting a dermatologist for more specialized treatment. Making sure your rash is treated promptly will prevent more long-term health issues from forming as well as scarring.

Are you or a member of your family suffering from an itchy and persistent skin rash? Visit your local AFC Urgent Care Center in Marlborough for diagnosis and treatment on a walk-in basis.


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