Can I Get X-rays At Urgent Care?

November 21, 2023

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve been injured and the pain won’t go away? Maybe you’ve twisted an ankle from a game of basketball or incurred an accidental fall from decorating at home. When these unexpected accidents happen, urgent care facilities are the go-to option for immediate medical attention. However, you might be wondering if x-rays are an option. The answer is yes, many urgent care centers are ...

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6 Reasons For A Cough That Comes and Goes

November 21, 2023

A cough is a common symptom in many conditions. However, have you ever experienced bouts of coughing that seem to come and go without warning? This situation can often leave us wondering about its cause and implications. While occasional coughing might seem harmless, there are several potential reasons behind this unpredictable symptom. This blog will explore common causes for a cough that comes and goes, and outline when to seek medical treatment. Visit the walk-in ...

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