Can I Get X-rays At Urgent Care?

November 21, 2023

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve been injured and the pain won’t go away? Maybe you’ve twisted an ankle from a game of basketball or incurred an accidental fall from decorating at home. When these unexpected accidents happen, urgent care facilities are the go-to option for immediate medical attention. However, you might be wondering if x-rays are an option. The answer is yes, many urgent care centers are equipped with X-ray facilities. Read more to learn about getting X-rays at urgent care!

For same-day digital X-rays, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Ken Caryl. Our center has two x-ray technicians on-site, making injury diagnosis and treatment the most accessible around! Simply walk-in or plan your visit in advance by checking-in online.

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Getting X-rays at an Urgent Care Center

Urgent care centers, like AFC Urgent Care Ken Caryl, offer a range of services beyond just treating minor injuries or illnesses– including conducting X-rays on-site. While many urgent care centers provide X-ray services, it’s important to note that there are a few limitations. Complex or severe cases might require more specialized equipment. Before heading to an urgent care center for X-rays, be sure to check the services to confirm they are provided. Additionally, severe or life-threatening injuries should be treated immediately at the emergency room.

Common Reasons to Get an X-ray at Urgent Care

So, why might you need an X-ray at an urgent care center? Here are a few of the most common reasons for getting X-rays:

1. Fractures or Broken Bones: If you suspect that you have a fracture or broken bone, an X-ray can confirm the severity and precise location of the injury. Urgent care centers can swiftly assess the injury and provide initial care until further treatment is planned.

2. Joint Injuries: Injuries to joints– like sprains or dislocations– often require X-rays to determine the extent of the damage. Having an X-ray done at an urgent care center can expedite the diagnosis and treatment process.

3. Foreign Objects: Accidentally getting something stuck in your body, like a piece of metal or glass, could potentially be a reason for an X-ray so that a medical provider can locate and remove it safely.

4. Chest Pain or Breathing Difficulties: In some cases, urgent care providers might recommend an X-ray to assess lung conditions, like pneumonia, or to check for the underlying cause of chest pain or breathing difficulties.

What To Expect When Getting an X-ray at Urgent Care

When you arrive at an urgent care center for an X-ray, it’s important to know how to prepare and what to expect– although the process is typically pretty straightforward. Certified X-ray technicians will guide you through the process, ensuring your safety and comfort. Once the X-ray is taken, a qualified provider will review the results with you and recommend appropriate treatment. If the condition detected is not life-threatening, you can likely receive treatment during the timeframe of your appointment. Remember, if you are even uncertain about the severity of an injury or condition, it’s always best to seek medical advice promptly and consult a healthcare provider. Your health and wellness should never be compromised.

Get Walk-in X-rays at AFC Urgent Care Ken Caryl in Littleton, CO

Urgent care centers can be a convenient and efficient option for getting X-rays done for certain injuries and conditions. They offer quick access to medical care without the lengthy wait times associated with emergency rooms. For the most accurate injury diagnosis, visit AFC Urgent Care Ken Caryl. Our center is open every day of the week, allowing for weekend digital x-rays and urgent care services. Our x-ray technicians specialize in diagnosing a wide range of injuries in patients of all ages. If you have any additional questions about the X-ray services at our facility, please contact us directly at (720) 818-8010.

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