Can Germs Live On Surfaces?

February 14, 2024

During the colder winter months, illnesses spread like wildfire. Staying healthy can be a challenge when contagious illnesses such as cold, the flu and other viral infections are surging. When everyone is sick around you, staying healthy can be a challenge. Avoiding sick people is one thing, but did you know that germs can live on surfaces like door handles, faucets, desks and more? Learn how to stay illness free by learning where germs can live. If you’re suffering from illness symptoms, visit AFC Urgent Care Arvada for same-day illness diagnosis and treatment available to patients in Arvada, CO on a walk-in basis.

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How Are Illnesses Spread From Person to Person?

There are a wide variety of different illnesses that you can suffer from depending on the time of year. Summer and fall are common times to see high cases of stomach viruses and strep throat, while winter and spring tend to bring more cases of respiratory illnesses such as the flu or colds. This largely has to do with the season, as well as how we spend our time.

Most illnesses are caused by either a viral or bacterial infection. Viruses and bacteria are very different types of pathogens, however, they spread through very similar ways. Germs like viruses and bacteria can spread from person to person in multiple different ways. One way is through direct contact with a sick person, including sharing food and drinks as well as direct contact. Airborne droplets released by sneezing, coughing or talking also can spread illnesses if they are inhaled. Bacteria and viruses can also live on surfaces after being touched by a sick person.

Where Can Germs Live?

Germs such as bacteria and viruses can live on surfaces. How long they can survive on these surfaces and where they can survive may differ depending on each type of virus or bacteria. In most cases, germs can survive on surfaces for a day or two after being touched by a sick person. This means that a healthy individual could pick up a virus or bacteria by touching a surface that has been contaminated without knowing it.

Germs live on anything that has been touched by a sick person. They tend to survive the longest on indoor surfaces. Common surfaces that germs live on include:

  • Door handles
  • Faucets
  • Paper towel dispensers
  • Tables and chairs
  • Desks
  • Computer keyboard/mouse
  • Seatbelts
  • Elevator buttons

How to Prevent Illness This Cold & Flu Season in Arvada, CO

Germs can live anywhere. They are microscopic, so it is impossible to see whether a surface has been contaminated or not with your naked eye. During seasons where there are high numbers of illness cases, such as mid-winter, it is important to be aware that germs could be lingering and act accordingly.

There are multiple different ways that you can use caution and prevent getting sick by touching contaminated surfaces. This includes sanitizing common surfaces, such as kitchens and bathrooms. If you are in public spaces, you can ensure you are washing your hands regularly and carrying hand sanitizer to kill any germs after you touch a commonly touched surface like a doorknob. You should always avoid touching your face when you’re out in public where you could run into a contaminated surface. This will prevent you from transferring the germs from your hand to your respiratory system.

Get Walk-In Illness Care in Arvada, CO by visiting AFC Urgent Care Arvada

Illnesses can strike at any time. Although you can take precautions to avoid getting sick, it can be tricky to dodge germs when they’re living on surfaces. If you’re feeling sick, seeking medical care early can ensure that your symptoms don’t continue to worsen. AFC Urgent Care Arvada offers same-day illness care for patients in Arvada, CO, and the surrounding communities. We never require that you schedule an appointment, simply walk in when it’s convenient for you.  

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Our facility is state-of-the-art and equipped with a laboratory on-site. This allows our board-certified medical providers to quickly and accurately diagnose your symptoms. Based on the results, your medical provider will review the treatment options available to you. We accept most major medical insurance plans and have short wait times. Walk in today. For additional information regarding our clinic, contact us directly by calling (720) 502-0466.

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