What Can I Do To Treat Pharyngitis?

May 11, 2023

Have you gotten a really bad sore throat? Do you feel that sandpaper is rubbing your throat? Does it hurt to swallow? You might be suffering from Pharyngitis. This condition is painful and can develop in people of every age and gender.

You will struggle to eat and feel uncomfortable when you develop this issue. Your sleep will also be greatly get disturbed. So, getting treatment as soon as possible is important to live a normal life. Read further to learn what you can do to resolve the issue.


It is a medical term for sore throat and is caused by the inflammation of the mucous membranes present on the back of the throat or pharynx. Pharyngitis can lead to dryness, discomfort, and difficulty swallowing. The causes of Pharyngitis are bacterial infections, such as group A Streptococcus and viral infections, such as common colds.

It is a common condition and rarely gets severe. Though this viral often clears up in a few weeks, getting its treatment will help you deal with its symptoms. Some common symptoms of Pharyngitis include:

  • Pain when swallowing food
  • Sore throat
  • Scratchy, dry throat
  • Pain when speaking

Other symptoms include fatigue, fever, headache, muscle aches, and malaise. It might look like a normal flu fever in the beginning but can turn into more painful symptoms if not treated at the right time. Therefore, getting a checkup is best when you develop any symptoms.

How to Treat Pharyngitis?

The treatment of Pharyngitis depends on its causes. Viral Pharyngitis will go away on its own with pain relievers, salt water gargles, and extra fluids that help alleviate its symptoms.

On the other hand, bacterial Pharyngitis can be treated with prescribed antibiotics. Health experts usually treat fungal Pharyngitis with antifungal medications. While some of its symptoms go away on their own, you need immediate antibiotic therapy for strep throat. This is because going untreated can lead to rheumatic fever and kidney problems, affecting your heart valves.

To ease fever and pain, many people opt for acetaminophen or other types of mild pain relievers. Also, if your child is suffering from Pharyngitis, you can give them over-the-counter pain medications designed for children. This includes acetaminophen such as FeverAll and Children’s Tylenol or ibuprofen such as children’s Motrin and Advil.

Avoid giving aspirin to teenagers or children because it is associated with Reye’s syndrome. It’s a rare, life-threatening condition that can lead to swelling in the brain and liver. It’s important to consult a health advisor when you feel symptoms. This will help you prevent it getting worse.

In a nutshell, Pharyngitis can be treated easily. You need to consult an experienced and skilled health expert who can help you treat the problem. As soon as possible to avoid inviting any other health concerns.

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