What are The Main Causes for the Spread of Illnesses?

May 11, 2023

Illness is caused by the spread of viruses, bacteria, and germs. This happens directly and indirectly. Illnesses are preventable but can be highly contagious. Read on to know the main causes for the spread of illnesses. 

Direct Causes

The easiest causes for the spread of illness are the direct causes. The direct causes include person-to-person contact, animal-to-person contact, mother to unborn baby contact.

Person-to-Person Contact

Illness can spread easily from an infected person to an uninfected person if they have any form of contact. Germs can be shared if the infected person touches, or kisses an uninfected person. It can also be contacted through coughs or sneezes from an infected person to an uninfected person.

Animal-to-Person Contact

Illness can also spread from animal to person. If an infected animal scratches or bites a person, it could easily transfer the illness from the animal to the person. For instance, a dog with rabies could automatically infect a person if bitten.

Transmission from Mother to  Baby

An infected mother may pass the illness to her baby through the placenta if the baby is unborn or through the breast milk if the baby is still feeding. Some form of illnesses that can be passed includes hepatitis, malaria, HIV  etc. This is however preventable if the mother takes the necessary drugs, injections or vaccinations as the situation demands.

Indirect Causes

Apart from direct causes, illnesses can also be spread through indirect contact such as, touching an infected object or surface. When a surface is infected and you touch them with your hands, you have transferred the germs from the surface to your hands. If you then touch your face with your hands, you could become infected.

Dirty Environment

Some germs breed and thrive in a dirty environment and depend on flies, mosquitoes etc and other insects that thrive in a dirty environment to transfer bacteria. A typical example is the malaria illness transfer through mosquitoes bred in dirty water.

Infectious illnesses spread easily and quickly through communities. They are however preventable if checked quickly.

Preventive Measures to Curb the Spread of illnesses

Frequent Hand Washing

This is one of the most effective ways to curb the spread of illness. Frequently washing your hands with soap and running water will help remove germs before they are transferred from your hand to surfaces or transferred from person to person.

Avoid Crowd/Crowded Spaces

To protect yourself from getting infected or avoid transferring the infection to others, you should avoid crowded areas. You can do this by staying at home or staying some kilometres always from crowded places when you are outside. .

Take Your vaccinations

Vaccinations can protect you and build your immunity against certain diseases and illnesses. It is therefore important that you keep your vaccinations up to date.  If  you discover you are sick and need urgent treatment, check with your local care provider immediately to get  the right treatment.

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