Does COVID Cause High Blood Pressure?

October 17, 2022

In 2022, COVID is still affecting our communities. As symptoms of the disease vary from person to person, some may notice unusually high blood pressure. High blood pressure can be a serious problem to some groups of people, including those aged 65 and older. By better understanding the connection between COVID and high blood pressure, you can work toward lowering and maintaining a healthy blood pressure.

At AFC Urgent Care Louisville, our team of licensed medical providers specialize in administering COVID-19 tests and general illness treatment for all patients in the area. Continue reading to learn how COVID relates to high blood pressure, and what you can do to maintain a healthy pressure. Visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Louisville to get a COVID-19 test or vaccine today!

How does COVID relate to high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is a very common medical condition that can lead to serious complications for some groups of people. The condition occurs when the force of blood against your artery walls is too high, and can potentially cause damage to your arteries. High blood pressure can lead to severe health problems– including heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.

As the COVID pandemic swept over our communities, some individuals began to experience levels of high blood pressure. Some evidence suggested that those who tested positive for COVID were more likely to develop high blood pressure than those who tested negative, especially women and older adults.

The connection between COVID and high blood pressure tells us that the virus has long-term health impacts for some people. COVID can cause numerous symptoms that can lead to high blood pressure, including shortness of breath, fever, tiredness, and stress.

How can you prevent high blood pressure?

If you find yourself experiencing high blood pressure, regardless of your connection to COVID, there are a few ways you can keep your blood pressure in a healthy range.

Practice these healthy habits in your daily life to reduce a high blood pressure:

  • Maintain regular exercise to strengthen your heart.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Reduce stress and prioritize your mental health.
  • Get enough sleep.

Whether you have COVID or not, it is always important to pay attention to your blood pressure and your chronic medical conditions. By visiting a medical provider at AFC Urgent Care Louisville, you can learn how to manage your blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors.

COVID-19 Services at AFC Urgent Care Louisville

Are you experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and need to get tested? Visit our walk-in clinic at AFC Louisville. If your test comes back positive, and you have been experiencing levels of high blood pressure, it’s important to get professional care. Do you still need a COVID-19 vaccine? Visit the clinic! Our team administers COVID vaccines on a weekly basis to all patients in the area. We strive to make healthcare accessible for those with the busiest schedules. Visit AFC Urgent Care Louisville for more information on COVID and preventing high blood pressure today, or give us a call at (720) 961-9700.

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