How to Manage Acute Gout Pain

April 12, 2023

Gout is a common form of arthritis that occurs when uric acid crystals build up in the joints, causing pain and inflammation. Acute gout attacks can be a painful and debilitating experience. Treatment for gout can be separated into two goals: alleviating the immediate pain and inflammation and discussing long-term management to reduce future attacks. This blog will explore several ways to manage the pain and when to seek medical attention.

For same-day acute gout treatment, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Ken Caryl. Our team of board-certified medical providers specialize in a wide range of conditions. The clinic is open seven days a week. You can simply walk-in or check-in online beforehand.

Recognizing Gout Symptoms

Gout generally causes sudden and severe attacks of pain and swelling in one or more joints. The symptoms can occur very suddenly and cause your affected joint to feel hot, swollen and tender. It’s important to recognize the signs of gout so you can prepare yourself for potential attacks and seek medical attention when necessary. While the symptoms may come and go, there are various steps you can take to prevent flares and alleviate the immediate inflammation.

Common symptoms of gout include:

  • Joint pain
  • Inflammation
  • Redness
  • Persistent discomfort
  • Limited range of motion

Tips on Managing Acute Gout Pain

During an acute gout attack, the affected joint will typically feel extremely tender. One of the best things you can do to manage the pain is to rest the joint and avoid any activity that would put unnecessary pressure on the area. Try to keep the joint elevated when sitting or lying down to reduce inflammation.

Other ways to reduce gout pain include:

  • Applying ice to the affected joint
  • Drinking water to flush out the buildup of urate
  • Taking over-the-counter pain medications
  • Modify your diet to consume less prunes
  • Get guidance from a healthcare professional

When to Seek Medical Attention

When you’ve tried the remedies listed above and your acute gout attacks continue to affect your day-to-day routine, it’s strongly recommended to seek professional medical care. Additionally, if you’re experiencing intense levels or pain or severe symptoms, like a high fever, it’s important to get your condition medically examined. Gout that goes untreated can lead to worsening pain and chronic joint damage. Urgent care centers are great resources for those looking to receive same-day gout relief. A healthcare provider can diagnose the underlying cause of your pain and make the best recommendations for care.

Your provider’s plan to treat your gout will depend on several factors, but typically include prescribed medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. For a personalized gout treatment plan, visit AFC Urgent Care Ken Caryl today! The clinic accepts walk-in patients seven days a week. We accept most major health insurance plans and offer low-costs for those without. If you have any additional questions please call us directly at (720) 818-8010.

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