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Sprains Strains Treatment

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Sprains Strains Treatment

Sprains and Strains Treatment Questions and Answers

How long does it take for a sprain or strain to heal? Day to day life can come to an immediate halt if you hurt yourself with a fracture, sprain or strain. Don't stay home and try to deal with it alone, visit AFC Urgent Care in East Rockaway, NY. Our professional and caring staff are here to help you when you need it most.

Sprains and Strains Treatment Questions and Answers

Strains and sprains are common musculoskeletal injuries. Although similar, they do differ. Sprains are injuries to the ligaments, the tissues that connect the bones together, whereas strains are injuries to the muscles or tendons, the tissues that connect the muscles to the bones.

What is the difference between a sprain, a strain and a fracture?

While all are an injury to the musculoskeletal system, strains, sprains and fractures are quite different. Fractures are injuries to the bone and can be minor (hairline crack) or severe (compound fracture). Strains are injuries to the muscles or connective tissues that attach the muscles to the bones, such as tendons. Sprains are injuries to the connective tissues that join the bones, such as ligaments.

How are sprains and fractures treated?

Sprains and fractures, although quite different in nature, have similar treatment plans. If you've hurt one of your limbs, it is best to be on the safe side. The acronym RICE is a handy tool to help you remember what to do:

Rest - Rest the affected area. Until it can be fully evaluated, stay off the injured area. Walking, running, or playing sports on an injured limb may exacerbate the injury.

Ice - As soon as possible, apply ice to the affected area, reapplying it every three or four hours for 15-20 minutes (make sure to listen to your body, if it becomes too cold, take it off) following the first 48 hours after injury. Ice can decrease inflammation.

Compression - Wrap an elastic bandage around the affected area. The wrapping should be snug, but not so tight as to cut off circulation, so watch for signs of restricted blood flow.

Elevation - Elevate the affected extremity with the use of a few pillows. Ideally, the injured area should be higher than your heart. Keeping your injured area elevated also decreases swelling.

How long do strains and sprains take to heal?

The recovery period varies from patient to patient and also depends on the severity of the injury. Minor sprains or strains may heal in only a few days, while more serious injuries can take several months to fully heal. On average, a musculoskeletal injury such as a strain or sprain heals with full mobility and function within three to eight weeks.

Where should I go if I have a fracture, sprain or strain?

The best place to receive treatment for a fracture, sprain or strain is, without a doubt, an Urgent Care. These facilities are designed to have patients in and out in as quickly a time as possible, so you can seek treatment without having to wait for weeks. To add to the list of benefits, urgent care centers, such as AFC Urgent Care Phoenixville, accept walk-in appointments, so you do not have to re-organize your entire schedule just to see a doctor.

If you or someone you know has sustained a sprain or strain, come to AFC Urgent Care for treatment! Our kind and compassionate professionals are experienced in treating strains and sprains and can help you get on the road to recovery quicker than ever before! For more information on our sprains and strains treatment on how they can benefit you, call our office and get in touch with a member of our specialist team. To book an appointment with our strains and sprains specialist, visit our website or speak with us over the phone today.

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  • Why choose AFC for Urgent Care?

    With state-of-the-art centers and a professional medical team, AFC provides on-site X-rays, labs, procedures, and more!

  • What's the difference between AFC Urgent Care and emergency room services?

    Urgent care is for medical conditions that require prompt attention but do not pose an immediate threat to your health or life. Here is a simple rule of thumb: if your medical issues(s) are life threatening, call 911, or go directly to a hospital emergency room. If not, an urgent care center such as AFC is an excellent alternative.

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