What’s Causing My Sore Throat? Is it COVID-19 Or Strep Throat?

February 6, 2023

Woman holding her throat and wondering what is causing her sore throat. AFC Urgent Care Danbury Offers Rapid Strep Tests And Rapid Molecular Tests For COVID-19

That sore, dry, sandpaper-like feeling in the back of your throat can be the first sign of cold, flu, COVID-19, RSV, or even strep throat. Sore throat, also known as Pharyngitis, is a condition marked by pain in the throat, usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. It’s very common in the colder months and now more than ever it can be confusing as to what’s causing your sore throat.

At this time, we are currently seeing patients coming in for sore throats. But is it strep throat, or COVID-19? As the virus continues to mutate, it is affecting people differently than its previous variants. Currently, we are dealing with the new B.1.1.529 variant. COVID-19 may attack more than your lungs and respiratory system. Other parts of your body may also be affected by the disease like your throat, too. AFC Urgent Care Danbury is here to help you differentiate the two so you can live life uninterrupted. 

Strep Throat Is Caused By A Bacterial Infection! 

Strep throat is an infection in the throat and tonsils caused by bacteria called group A Streptococcus (group A strep). Group A strep bacteria are very contagious. Generally, people spread the bacteria to others through respiratory droplets or direct contact. Rarely, people can spread group A strep bacteria through food that is not handled properly. It usually takes two to five days for someone exposed to group A strep bacteria to become ill with strep throat.

There are rarely respiratory symptoms with strep throat. If you have strep throat, you’ll experience the following symptoms:

  • Sore throat that can start very quickly.
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Fever
  • Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white patches or streaks of pus
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the front of the neck.

Symptoms typically NOT related to Strep throat:

  • Cough
  • Runny nose

Just like COVID-19, Strep Throat has a specific test. The test will show if the bacteria causing the infection is present or not. 

Strep Throat Versus COVID-19 Symptoms

Because strep is caused by a bacterial infection, it does not come with the respiratory symptoms like colds, flu and COVID-19 does. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms.

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat

Keep in mind that symptoms may change with the variant. The current variant is Omicron B.1.1.529. Most people who have had all of the available vaccines for COVID-19 may experience mild symptoms, but some people, mostly those who have not been vaccinated, the elderly or those with pre-existing conditions, can become severely ill.

Should I Assume It’s Just Strep If I Don’t Have Any Respiratory Symptoms?

We highly suggest getting tested for COVID-19 (and the other winter illnesses like the flu). This is your best bet as it can help rule out these viruses so you can take the next step towards treatment.

If you suspect you have strep throat you can visit AFC Urgent Care in Danbury for a proper diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics. We offer rapid tests for strep to determine if there is bacterial growth. Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria, reducing the duration and risk of serious complications from Strep Throat. 

Since strep throat is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are needed to help kill the bacteria. We highly suggest taking your entire prescription. Even if you feel better, you don’t want to stop too soon because there still could be bacteria that can grow back and be more resistant. 

AFC in Danbury is always here for you 7 days a week for your urgent care needs. No appointment needed, but don’t overthink on scheduling an appointment with us.

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