AFC Urgent Care Danbury East: Advocating for STD and STI Awareness and Regular Testing

April 4, 2024

April is STD Awareness Month, serving as a crucial reminder to prioritize sexual health and well-being. At AFC Urgent Care Danbury East, we are committed to advocating for STD and STI awareness and providing accessible testing services to our community. AFC Urgent Care Danbury East has created a helpful guide to help you understand what an STD is, show you the signs, and how you can get help. Understanding Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Sexually ...

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Getting To Know Your Kidney Better During National Kidney Awareness Month

February 27, 2024

March marks National Kidney Month, an invaluable opportunity to deepen our understanding of kidney health and awareness. Throughout this month, the focus is directed towards unraveling the intricate mechanisms governing our kidneys, spanning from recognizing potential risks and symptoms of kidney-related conditions to appreciating the tireless efforts our kidneys exert in safeguarding our overall well-being. Acknowledging the significance of kidney health, AFC Urgent Care Danbury East has curated an extensive guide to shed light on ...

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What Could Be Behind My Sore Throat? Is it COVID-19 or Strep Throat?

February 1, 2024

Experiencing that scratchy, dry, sandpaper-like sensation in the back of your throat? It could be signaling the onset of various conditions like a cold, flu, COVID-19, RSV, or even strep throat. Pharyngitis, commonly known as a sore throat, is characterized by throat pain, typically stemming from a viral or bacterial infection. This discomfort becomes more prevalent in colder months, adding to the confusion about the underlying cause of your sore throat. Currently, we're observing ...

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Navigating Norovirus – Your Comprehensive Guide

January 4, 2024

When symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea strike, it's natural to wonder about the cause. Could it be that recent visit to your go-to restaurant? While the eatery may not be directly responsible, you might have contracted the stomach flu, better known as Norovirus. AFC Urgent Care Danbury East presents an enlightening guide to help you comprehend Norovirus, recognize its symptoms, and adopt preventive measures! Understanding Norovirus: what does it do to me According to ...

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Navigating Christmas Tree-Related Health Woes at AFC Urgent Care Danbury East

December 2, 2023

The holiday season is synonymous with joy, decorated trees, and festive lights. However, if you're finding yourself amid sneezing fits, a runny nose, and itchy eyes after adorning your Christmas tree, you might be grappling with a phenomenon known as "Christmas Tree Syndrome." This seasonal ailment, often triggered by mold on Christmas trees, can lead to allergic reactions. While the ambiance created by twinkling lights and the scent of pine is enchanting, the mold ...

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Know Your Risks: American Diabetes Awareness Month

November 6, 2023

Diabetes is a significant health issue affecting millions of Americans annually. This American Diabetes Month, it's essential to comprehend this condition to prevent its progression. Diabetes is often manageable and even preventable with the right knowledge. AFC Urgent Care Danbury has compiled a guide to help you grasp diabetes and the associated risks. Being well-informed empowers you to take action to avoid it. Different Types of Diabetes Lifestyle choices can play a pivotal role ...

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Flu or RSV? Breaking Down the Symptoms, Risks, and Prevention Tips

October 1, 2023

Influenza (commonly known as the flu) and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) are both highly contagious viral infections that affect the respiratory system. However, there are significant differences between the two.  The flu is caused by influenza viruses and is notorious for causing seasonal epidemics globally, leading to severe illness and even death in high-risk populations. On the other hand, RSV primarily affects infants and young children, causing bronchiolitis, pneumonia and severe respiratory illness.  While both ...

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Check Off Your Child’s “Immunizations” On Their Back To School Checklist!

August 14, 2023

As August arrives, bringing with it "National Immunization Awareness Month," it's crucial to prioritize your child's health. Amidst the flurry of preparations for the upcoming school year, let's emphasize the importance of immunizations and highlight the opportunity for eligible children to receive back to school vaccinations. Preparing for a Healthy School Year: Back to School Physicals for All Children As you tackle your back to school checklist, don't overlook scheduling your ...

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Dive into Ear Health: A Splashy Guide to Outswimming Swimmer's Ear

July 5, 2023

Welcome to the fascinating world of swimmer's ear, an infection that loves to target water enthusiasts who indulge in swimming, bathing, or even excessive sweating. This underwater menace, scientifically known as otitis externa, thrives in the moist havens of our ear canals, providing a perfect breeding ground for mischievous bacteria and fungi. Factors such as excessive earwax, damaged ear canal skin, and the use of irritating gadgets can turn this innocent escapade into a ...

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Urgent Care for Broken Bones & Fractures: What Urgent Care Treats

June 12, 2023

If you have a broken bone or a fracture, urgent care may be able to help. Learn the different types of fractures (broken bones), what we treat, and when to go to the ER vs. urgent care. How Do You Know a Bone is Broken? Every year, millions of people break a bone. Broken bones typically result from a trauma like a fall, car accident, or sports injury. Medical conditions such as osteoporosis or repetitive ...

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