What’s Causing My Sore Throat? COVID-19 Or Strep Throat?

January 28, 2022

What’s Causing My Sore Throat? COVID-19 Or Strep Throat? AFC Urgent Care Danbury Offers Rapid Strep Tests And Rapid Molecular Tests


That sore, dry, sandpaper-like feeling in the back of your throat can be the first sign of cold, flu COVID-19, or even strep throat. Sore throat,  also known as Pharyngitis,  is a condition marked by pain in the throat, usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. It’s very common in the colder months and now more than ever it can be confusing as to what’s causing your sore throat.

With COVID-19 making a resurgence, you may be assuming you’ve got COVID-19. Chances are it might be, but it doesn’t mean you can rule out the other winter illnesses. Why? Because strep throat is not a viral infection. It’s actually a bacterial infection that can sneak up on you more than once. It’s also just as contagious as COVID-19 if someone sneezes, coughs or touches the same things as you. This is why it’s important to know what’s causing your sore throat.  

Here’s a  guide to help you differentiate between COVID-19 and strep throat.

Symptoms Of Strep Throat: 

Strep Throat is a highly contagious infection caused by Streptococcal bacteria and spread by close contact. Strep throat, like the cold and flu, peaks during the colder months and is marked by very similar symptoms so it’s very important to determine the difference between the two and seek urgent care if necessary.

Symptoms of strep throat include:

  • Red, sore throat with white patches on throat and tongue
  • Sudden fever
  • Chills
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Swollen glands in the neck
  • Fatigue

Strep throat primarily infects the throat and tonsils. 

Strep Throat Versus COVID-19

We recently wrote about the differences between colds, flu and COVID-19 here 

Because strep is caused by a bacterial infection,  it does not come with the respiratory symptoms like colds, flu and COVID-19 does. 

If you’re symptomatic with COVID-19, and have a sore throat, then chances are you may have these other respiratory symptoms:

  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Congestion
  • New loss of smell and/or taste

Should I Assume It’s Just Strep If I Don’t Have Any Respiratory Symptoms?

We highly suggest getting tested for COVID-19 (and the other winter illnesses like the flu). This is your best bet as it can help rule out these viruses so you can take the next step towards treatment.

If you suspect you have strep throat you can visit any of our 3 AFC Urgent Care in Danbury for a proper diagnosis and treatment. We offer rapid tests for strep to determine if there is bacterial growth. Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria, reducing the duration and risk of serious complications from Strep Throat.

AFC in Danbury is always here for you 7 days a week for your urgent care needs. No appointment is needed.

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