What Could Be Behind My Sore Throat? Is it COVID-19 or Strep Throat?

February 1, 2024

Girl holding her throat and wondering what is causing her sore throat. AFC Urgent Care Danbury Offers Rapid Strep Tests And Rapid Molecular Tests For COVID-19

Experiencing that scratchy, dry, sandpaper-like sensation in the back of your throat? It could be signaling the onset of various conditions like a cold, flu, COVID-19, RSV, or even strep throat. Pharyngitis, commonly known as a sore throat, is characterized by throat pain, typically stemming from a viral or bacterial infection. This discomfort becomes more prevalent in colder months, adding to the confusion about the underlying cause of your sore throat.

Currently, we're observing an influx of patients presenting with sore throats. The dilemma often lies in discerning whether it's strep throat or COVID-19, especially given the evolving nature of the virus. The  JN.1 and HV.1  variants are the latest concern. Notably, COVID-19 can affect not only the lungs and respiratory system but also other body parts, including the throat. AFC Urgent Care Danbury East is committed to aiding in the differentiation of these conditions, providing clarity for uninterrupted daily life.

Strep Throat: Result of a Bacterial Invasion!

Strep throat, caused by the group A Streptococcus bacteria, is a contagious infection affecting the throat and tonsils. Typically transmitted through respiratory droplets or direct contact, it may exceptionally spread through mishandled food. The incubation period for strep throat is generally two to five days post-exposure.

Unlike COVID-19, strep throat seldom involves respiratory symptoms. If you have strep throat, you might experience:

  • Rapid-onset sore throat
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Fever
  • Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white patches or streaks of pus
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the front of the neck

Symptoms typically NOT associated with strep throat include cough and runny nose. Similar to COVID-19, a specific test is available to detect the presence of bacteria causing the infection.

Strep Throat vs. COVID-19 Symptoms

As strep throat results from a bacterial infection, it lacks the respiratory symptoms characteristic of colds, flu, and COVID-19. Symptoms may manifest 2-14 days post-exposure, ranging from mild to severe.

Common symptoms shared with COVID-19 include:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat

Given the dynamic nature of the virus, symptoms may vary with the latest variants, JN.1 and HV.1. While those fully vaccinated for COVID-19 may experience mild symptoms, the unvaccinated, elderly, or individuals with pre-existing conditions remain susceptible to severe illness.

Navigating the Diagnostic Path

Instead of assuming it's just strep, particularly in the absence of respiratory symptoms, opting for COVID-19 testing (along with assessments for other winter illnesses like the flu) is recommended. This approach ensures a comprehensive evaluation, guiding subsequent treatment steps.

For those suspecting strep throat, AFC Urgent Care in Danbury East offers accurate diagnosis and antibiotic treatment through rapid strep tests. Completing the entire antibiotic prescription is crucial to eliminate any residual bacteria, preventing potential resistance. 

Our doors are open every day of the week, ready to accommodate both scheduled appointments and walk-ins at AFC Urgent Care Danbury East. We accept most insurances to ensure accessible and timely healthcare services. Experience convenience with our user-friendly online payment system, allowing you to settle your bill effortlessly with just a few clicks.

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