Should I Seek Medical Care For My Cough?

January 31, 2024

Are you suffering from a cough that simply won’t go away? Everyone has experienced coughing, however, how do you identify whether your cough requires medical care? Review what classifies a cough as minor, and some key characteristics that may indicate that your cough should be evaluated by a medical professional at urgent care. AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center offers illness diagnosis and treatment on a walk-in basis for patients in Aurora, CO, and the surrounding communities.

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Illnesses that Cause a Cough

Coughing is a natural reflex that happens when your body detects an irritant in your airways. The lungs contract and force air out of your airways to clear them of irritants like germs, smoke, and dust. In some cases, coughing simply occurs due to the air conditions, like if you walk by a construction site. Coughing due to environmental irritants will resolve once the irritant is removed.

Coughing is a common symptom of a respiratory tract infection. Respiratory tract infections can be caused by viral and bacterial infections. Viral infections are extremely contagious, making them more common than bacterial infections. Viral respiratory tract infections usually clear on their own within a week. Understanding the potential causes of your cough is vital so that you can determine whether you should seek medical care or treat your cough at home. Common viral infections that cause coughing include:

  • Colds
  • The flu
  • RSV
  • COVID-19

When To Visit Urgent Care For A Cough

It can be difficult to self-diagnose a cough at home. A variety of different illnesses can cause you to cough. Not all illnesses that cause a cough can be treated at urgent care. Viral infections cannot be treated at urgent care, because your body has to fight off viral infections on its own. If your symptoms last longer than a week, or your cough produces discolored mucus, you should seek medical care because you may have a bacterial infection.

If your cough is accompanied by severe symptoms, such as a persistent sore throat that makes it difficult to swallow or a high fever, you should seek medical care. Your medical provider can evaluate your symptoms to determine whether your cough requires medication or other treatment. Your medical provider may run diagnostic testing such as a throat swab, blood tests, or even chest X-rays to confirm their diagnosis and determine the most effective treatment options.

At-Home Cough Remedies

If you’re suffering from a persistent cough that you can’t seem to shake, at-home remedies can help you manage your symptoms. If your cough is severe, you should always seek medical care to ensure you receive the proper treatment. However, if your cough is mild, there are a few steps that you can take to soothe your throat and lungs.

  • Get plenty of rest
  • Gargle warm salt water
  • Use a humidifier in your bedroom at night
  • Avoid spending time outdoors in cold air
  • Stay hydrated
  • Drink tea and other warm liquids
  • Use over-the-counter medications

Visit AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center For Same-Day Illness Diagnosis & Treatment

If you’re suffering from a cough, seeking medical care early can ensure that you get the treatment that you need before your symptoms worsen. At AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center, we offer illness care on a walk-in basis for patients in Aurora, CO, and the surrounding communities. Walk into our clinic, or pre-register your visit online.

Our clinic is equipped with a full laboratory and digital X-ray suite, allowing us to perform advanced diagnostic testing at the time of your visit with no outside referral necessary. Our medical team is board-certified and able to provide customized treatment based on your exact symptoms. We accept most medical insurance plans and offer affordable care options. For additional information regarding our clinic, please contact us directly by calling (303) 529-1100.

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